Blog posts in order of published date:
Chronically sick? Choose the right water filter.
As a kid, I never thought about a water filter. Yet after being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, I wouldn’t drink any water without one. How do I choose the right water filter? In this post, you’ll learn about drinking water and my journey of not submitting to...
The #1 Way to Simplify Your Life for Good!
If you want to simplify your life, there is only one thing you need to do. When people think of simplifying they generally think of decluttering, painting their interior walls white, and swapping out their tv for books. All those things are awesome but simplifying is...
Quick Healthy Meals On a Budget? 5 Criteria
How can we make a quick healthy meal on a budget? When it comes to meals I use five criteria to measure success: taste, health, speed, digestion, and budget. These days we need anything that helps! Dive into my secrets to help you get more flavor, more money, and...
10 Inspirational Quotes You Don’t Want to Miss
Inspirational quotes are not all fairies and rainbows. Inspiration is meant to make things happen, not to sit on a cloud and wander. We all need encouragement or stimulation to get moving. We all certainly know how to complain, and lately, in the world, there has been...
Simple Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Leg Recipe
The bacon-wrapped chicken leg recipe is a tailgate show stopper. This recipe is also a hit at summer barbecues, picnics, and Super Bowl parties. With only two ingredients this dish is super easy to make and fun for the kids. Bacon + Chicken? Bacon marries well with...
The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt (kids 8-13+ yrs. old)
Scavenger hunt to the rescue! Do your kids have a lot of time on their hands? Are your tweens feeling dumpy and bored? I have a fun low-cost solution for you! My scavenger hunt takes at least three hours to complete. Can you hear the angels sing? This adventure keeps...
Easy Dairy-Free Nachos with Simple Ingredients!
Nachos no more? If you have to be dairy-free I bet you said goodbye to nachos. I sure did. I also said goodbye to cheese pizza and many other things, but nothing can replace a good plate of nachos. Thanks to some amazing people who feel for us dairy-free folk they...
How to Manage Money Better!
There are massive loads of information about how to manage money, how to budget, how to save money, and how to live a debt-free life. It can be overwhelming and paralyzing! I’ll reveal to you the #1 cause of our money management problems and give you a quick review of...
Amazing Avocado Pesto Sauce & Spread Recipe
Avocado got your taste buds? There are many things you can do with this amazing fruit. Due to my IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) I have had to simplify my diet. So, when I make a meal I keep things as simple as possible. With avocados, I usually just put a shake of...
4 Amazing Tree Planting Tips + Earth Day Activities
Planting a tree is a simple act that has a big impact. However, before you get dirty, there are some tree planting tips you're going to want to know! Whether it be Earth Day, Arbor Day, National Tree Day, or an ordinary day there is always a reason to plant a tree....
10 Amazing Quotes About Courage + 3 Tips
Do you have a collection of quotes about courage? Let me ask you this, do you have courage? Are things happening in your life or are they just going with the flow? If you’re finding yourself on a hamster wheel day after day, you might need a little courage to change...
Simple Game Day Sloppy Joe Sandwiches
Gameday simple sloppy joe recipe at your service. Whether it's basketball, football, baseball, or table tennis, this is by far my favorite sloppy joe recipe. Not only is it super easy, but it has simple ingredients. It's perfect after a long day at the field, and it's...
7 Firefly Facts Plus Firefly Fun Printable
God has some mysterious creations, the lightning bug or firefly is one of them! To this day I still get awestruck at this tiny bug that emits light in the darkness. The firefly is my favorite bug if anyone were to ask me, "What's your favorite bug?" With that said, I...
16 Road Trip Essentials to Simplify Your Trips
Road trip essentials make the journey not only easier but more fun. What items are considered essentials? When it comes to road trips there are two things that make it great: being prepared and memories. I like to think of it as if I were on the road and got stuck,...
Salmon in a Skillet Recipe
Salmon is one of those fish that can be prepared in various ways. It’s so versatile and delicious, not to mention, good for you! I’ve eaten salmon baked, broiled, grilled, poached, and pan-fried. What's my favorite? For me, it depends on the time of year. And this...
10 Amazing Quotes on Challenges
My top 10 quotes on challenges are peppered with encouragement, hope, and motivation. There is nothing so comforting to the soul than encouraging words. Quotes and inspirational sayings, young and old, impact our mental health. I’m sure you have infamous words of...
The Truth About Blogging: Know before you go
Do you ever wonder why some people blog? Understand the truth about blogging before jumping into it. Blogging serves everyone differently. Some people write to write, others try to make money, and others simply do it because they enjoy it. These are all great reasons!...
3 Ways to Help My Child Lose Weight…with a Smile
The words ‘smile’ and ‘weight loss’ typically don’t go hand in hand when we are trying to lose weight. Let’s face it, diet, self-care, and wellness can be a challenge, no, it is a challenge. Then when you realize you need to help your child lose weight…oh brother....
Amazing Gluten-free Molasses Cookie Recipe
There is something about molasses cookies that I crave. When I grew up, every Christmas my grandma would bake molasses cookies. Her cookies were about the size of a silver dollar and so addicting! My grandma would always have them neatly packed in a wax paper-lined...
Infertility Help: 8 Amazing Must-do Tips to Keep Moving Forward
Hugs to you. I've been there; which is why I feel the need to talk about this topic of infertility. Infertility is unexplainable. Please stop trying to figure it out or worse, blaming yourself. In this post you're going to get 5 tips on how to get through infertility...
Spectacular Spicy Shrimp Recipe. It’s a keeper!
Spicy shrimp are two words that were made for each other. This is a dish that won't disappoint your spicy palate. I’m not going to bore you with a long story about this recipe, because there isn’t a story. My husband was experimenting in the kitchen and concocted this...
Claim Your Life Back: 7 Steps to Fight Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual warfare. Do you believe it? Over these past few years, there has been an increasing amount of spiritual warfare. Many walk around completely oblivious to spiritual warfare. They think they just have bad luck, a bad day, or that nothing good happens to them....
Cleaning the House: 5 Simple Factors to Understand
Cleaning the house has been one of the most toxic yet healthy tasks in life. Sure we could pay someone else to do it but stay humble friend. Living in a clean house is not just healthy for our bodies but for our psyche. Learn how to make cleaning less stressful by...
Easy Meal Planning Tips + My Awesome Secret Weapon
When it comes to meal planning, we could all use a few meal planning tips. Cooking and I have a love/hate relationship. There are days when it is soothing to my soul, and other days it’s like a ton of bricks on my shoulders. Let’s face it, just figuring out what to...
Simple Tasty GF DF Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
When it comes to favorite cookies, the chocolate chip cookie is the best. The gentle crisp on the outside and soft center is the perfect texture to satisfy my opinion of course. Oh, and then you get a chunk of chocolate that is slightly hard but surrounded...
13 Amazing Family Games with Teens Worth Playing
The first family games date back to Egypt in 3100 BC. That's right, BC "Before Christ". It was the game of Senet that set the stage for board games. Today stores are filled with an overwhelming display of games. Let me save you some time and money, the best place to...
How to Stay Healthy: 15 Simple Ways
How to stay healthy is a skill. To keep our immune system functioning at top speed during ‘sick season’ there are a few things we can do to ward off illness and increase health. I’ve got 15 simple yet powerful ways you won’t want to miss in preventing sickness....
7 Simple Ways to Improve Lung Health
With viruses penetrating our bodies, seasonal allergies clogging our sinuses, and the normal colds circulating in our environment, keeping our lungs happy can be stressful. Our lungs give us energy and life. When we’re breathing well, our minds are clear, our sleeping...
No More Money Problems: 9 Smart Must-Do Steps!
Want no more money problems? Listen up to these 9 must-do steps. There is no way to predict tragic storms, destructive earthquakes, virus pandemics, wars, house fires, the sudden death of a loved one, or unemployment. If we could tell our money 'a tornado is coming,...
8 Amazing Children’s Books for 4-year-olds
What are some of the best children's books for 4-year-olds? Storytime gives us parents, neighbors, or grandparents an intimate time to share an adventure with children. Below you'll find a list of happy healthy kid-approved children's books for 4-year-olds or...