DO MORE THAN EXIST is a journey of purposeful living, rooted in love for God, others, and yourself. We believe that life is meant to be more than just existing. Through our website, we aim to equip you with tools, inspiration, and fresh ideas to make a big impact through simple acts of love.
Our mission is to help you navigate the complexities of life by reminding you of your worthiness and the power of using your unique gifts and talents. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV) Join us on this adventure as we strive to love more. Let’s break free from the chains of overthinking and embrace the freedom of living with a solid foundation in Jesus. Together, let’s DO MORE THAN EXIST. Welcome to the journey.
What does DO MORE THAN EXIST mean?
We exist because God is Love. LOVE made you into existence! Let’s DO MORE THAN EXIST and love God back. How? According to Matthew 22:37-39, we are to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. Simple. Straight forward. You don’t need to overthink what your purpose is in life. Love God. Love your neighbor (which is everyone around you). Love yourself (not selfishly or narcissistic, but caring for yourself).
DO MORE THAN EXIST will give you Biblical truth, provide fresh ideas on how to love, and walk with you in your every day.

Meet Christy
Founder/Owner of DO MORE THAN EXIST (DMTE)
As the Founder/Owner of DO MORE THAN EXIST (DMTE), I strive to do my part with what I have. My passion lies in creating practical ideas and writing about topics that help us live out the purpose God has given us. When I’m not working, you’ll find me outside, caring for trees, walking our dog, tinkering in the garden, camping, or simply sitting in a snowbank on a clear winter night.
I’m a certified Life Coach (CLC) through Life Purpose Institute, a certified Life Breakthrough Coach, a certified Weight Management & Nutrition Consultant through Blue Heron Academy, and a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus died and rose from the grave. Being an online small business owner and retailer for over 25+ years has been a fun experience of wearing many hats. I owned and operated EverydayFruit.com for 10 years, Do More Than Exist for 13 years, and Simplify Firefly for 3 years. When my son was little, I was inspired to write and illustrate a children’s book: Ink. In experiencing some of my own struggles I wrote: Simple Happy Wellness Strategies, and Triggers and What to Do For IBD. I serve on the prayer path at church and volunteer at local parks.
What I wear every day – an apron, I’m messy when I cook.
My very first job – Corn Detasseler.
Best way to end the day – a hot bath.
Life isn’t easy. Life isn’t fair. Relationships can be a hot mess. But we certainly can rise above all that and make life a meaningful one. You don’t need a degree in theology to spread the love of Jesus. You just need to be willing to do so with what you got.
Here are just a few verses in the Bible to help us get started. In Matthew 22:37, it says we’re here to love Him, in Matthew 22:39 to love our neighbors, in 1 Peter 4:10 to use our gifts, in Matthew 5:13 to bring salt to the earth, in 2 Timothy 1:6 to fan into flame the gift of God, and in Ephesians 2:8-13 to do good works, and to be His boots on the ground.
My hope is for you to experience the deep joy God placed in your heart and to do more than exist no matter your circumstances. I invite you to read my blog posts, based on real stories, authentically written for you.
Thinking of you always,

Meet Rosie
CEO (Chief Environmental Officer)
At DMTE my job is to protect the work environment. I guard the office against furry intruders, I assure the atmosphere is light and happy (my looks do the trick all the time), and I alert everyone when a package arrives. My favorite time of day is ‘break time’ when I practice my chasing skills with my amazing squeaky toy.
What I wear every day – fur, blonde is my go-to.
My very first job – Snuggling…I still do this.
My favorite thing ever – Elephant Pillow Pet.
Best way to end the day – walk, frozen yogurt, ear rub.

One more thing…
Over the years I used to think this means to be outgoing, go on big trips, take huge risks in this world. But in reality, it’s the small stuff that makes a lasting and more powerful impact. If you came here to get more out of life, you’re in for an amazing experience. Little acts make big impacts. Love God. Love your neighbor. And love yourself.
Need a little help in getting started? Read through the ideas on how to love.