As a kid, I never thought about a water filter. Yet after being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases, I wouldn’t drink any water without one. How do I choose the right water filter? In this post, you’ll learn about drinking water and my journey of not submitting to bottled water. Plus you’ll understand what option is best for you and your family whether you live in the city or a rural area.
Water has a lot to do with your health water is life! If you’re not getting healthy clean water, you might be setting yourself up for autoimmune disease and other chronic health issues. If there is one physical gift that keeps on giving, it would be clean drinking water. It sounds kind of boring; after all, water is thought to be a commodity. However, pure clean water is not necessarily everywhere. Whether you live in the city, the countryside, or overseas, clean nutritious water is hard to come by. In our recent move from city water to well water, drinking water became my #1 priority and it completely stressed me out. This situation is literally and physically taking a challenge and creating goodness from it.
Water and your health, does it matter?
Did you know that drinking water can affect your health? I’m not just talking about water-born bacteria like E. coli or Giardia; many other factors affect water that can weaken our bones, disrupt our digestive systems, and even hurt our heart health. If you think about it there aren’t many choices for healthy, balanced water; treated water is full of chemicals, bottled water can leach estrogens or containments, distilled water can rob you of essential minerals, and well water can have harmful levels of iron, arsenic, and lead to name a few. Talk about stress! This was where I was when we moved.
Water and My Story
Water and I go way back. I now take it seriously and there are many reasons why I do. In college, drinking a lot of water helped me (tremendously) lose weight. Secondly, during my pregnancies, I got severely dehydrated due to HG which led me to get an IV multiple times. Thirdly, water is all I drink.
I grew up on city water, unfiltered. I drank it straight from the tap. In college, I drank it from the tap or drinking fountain. It wasn’t until 2007 that we decided to get a water filter. Before that time, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder in my liver, which then cascaded into other issues. Could it be that most diseases come from our water?
Nowadays, my digestive system is a sensitive one, so I need to be careful what I put into my body or my body will flare up. Not to mention, dehydration comes on pretty quickly, and water is the only element that keeps me stable. I highly recommend you get your water tested. You can call your township or city and ask them how to do it. There are kits online, but I’d go the local route.
So what are we to drink?
As you know, our bodies can’t survive more than three days without water. Sure you can drink coffee, soda, juice, energy drinks, and such, but those can be toxic to your system and cause all sorts of other health problems. And yes, water detoxifies your body, gives you energy, helps you feel good (better mood), and so much more! But what are we to drink?
Many would answer this question with bottled water. Bottled water first came out in 1767 and has gotten increasingly popular ever since! With recent worldly events, bottled water has been life-saving. I drink bottled water occasionally and am extremely grateful to have it on hand. But not all bottled water is the same. At the store you’ll see many options for bottled water, if you’re a serious water drinker it can be overwhelming. Let’s look at the pros and cons of bottled water.
It’s convenient
Works in a pinch
There are many options to suit your needs
Can be expensive
Different pH levels
Chemicals and estrogens leaking into water from the plastic
Some would argue that filtered water by a home water filter is the way to go. Yet, others are strictly from the tap. This is all personal preference, but the one that gives me confidence in what I’m drinking is from a home filtration system. What does this mean?
A home filtration system can mean a few things. It can mean refrigerator water, a water filter pitcher, an RO system, an under-the-sink water filter, or a countertop water filter. Let’s briefly take a deeper look into some of these options.
Refrigerator filter
Some people thoroughly enjoy their refrigerator water filters. The water is instantly cold and easy to access. Just remember to change the filter.
Check price on Amazon
Water filter pitcher
Another route is the filtered water pitcher. The water pitchers are popular and do a great job. If you don’t drink a lot of water every day I’d suggest the water pitcher. You can put it in the frig or keep it on the counter. This option is better than buying plastic jugs of water.
Get it on Amazon
Reverse Osmosis
If you want 100% pure water, you’ll want to check out the RO System. The Reverse Osmosis System completely takes out all chemicals, bacteria, minerals, and good minerals from the water, so you are only left with H2O. This water tastes amazing! However, RO water tends to be more acidic, around 5.5 pH to 6.0 pH. This is because it takes out those minerals that balance pH. There are mineral filters that connect to the RO system to help put minerals back into the water, but I’m not sure about their effectiveness…the reviews are not consistent. Not to be a wet blanket, but I’ve heard the pH filters can be fickle from going from one extreme to the other.
More about water pH
And what’s up with water pH? I had no idea the pH level of water was different, but it is! Some water is alkaline and others are acidic. Ideally, you want to be right in the middle of it all. If water is too acidic it can eventually lead to health problems. The same goes true with water that is too alkaline. In our new home, I bought a ph tester and had chemistry class on our kitchen counter. It was fun testing eight different glasses of water. What I found was that some bottled water was acidic! Yet with the three different types of water filters, I had on hand: RO System, under sink Aquasuana, and countertop Berkey; the RO was acidic, Aquasana and Berkey were alkaline. I also tested our water softener water, well water, and other bottled water.
More water filter systems
Check price on Amazon
Under-the-sink filtration system
Yet, another route is to use an under-the-sink filtration system. We used this water filter system when we lived in the city, and we loved it! New filters were sent to us every 6 months, so we didn’t have to remember to get them. It’s super convenient and easy to use. This just gives you a little more peace of mind that your water is safe. We have been using Aquasana since 2007.
Get it on Amazon
Countertop filtered water
Countertop filtered water is yet another option for filtered drinking water. This water filter is gravity-fed using carbon filters. It’s easy to use, looks cool, and can even filter pond water ready for you to drink! This water filter is a rock star, it filters all the bad stuff out but keeps the essential minerals our bodies need like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The pH level is where it should be, in the 7.0 range. If you drink a lot of water every day and don’t like cold water, I would highly recommend the Berkey Water Filter System. You just have to remember to fill it.
So which one do I use on well water?
I asked this exact question when I moved into our country home and there wasn’t an easy answer. People around us all did different things. Bottled water was one, refrigerator water another (but I don’t like cold water), and water pitcher. It took me hours to figure out what one would be best for me. As I said before, water is the top beverage I consume each day. So if I’m drinking water with a lot of chemicals in it, then my body is getting a lot of chemicals. And with the health issues I have, my liver doesn’t need to work any harder than it needs to.
We have a water softener in our home, and I do not like drinking softened water. It’s a water-weight thing if you know what I mean. Soft water makes me bloated and I’m not a fan of excess sodium adding up in the body. So after many trials of different kinds of water filter systems, with softened water, without softened water, not to mention the different types of bottled water I tried, we finalized on a direct line from the well (non-softened water) to our drinking fixture on our kitchen sink; the drinking spigot goes through an under-the-sink water filter system, and then we filter it again with the Berkey. It’s a little complicated, I agree, but our well water is getting filtered twice yet leaving in those essential minerals our bodies need. I am a very happy camper and am at peace with our drinking water. And I feel great!
Water filter conclusion
Water makes a 100% difference in your health, hormones, mind, and inflammation. Do what is best for you, your body, and your mental well-being. Take your water seriously! My recommendations include:
#1 Get your water tested for containments, metals, and bacteria.
#2 Understand the pH level of your drinking water.
#3 Invest in a drinking water filter for you and your family.
For city water, the Aquasana under-the-sink unit or a Berkey do the trick.
If you have well water, a combo of Aquasana under the sink and a Berkey works well.
Out camping? I recommend a Berkey.
Campus water isn’t the best… a Berkey or a water filter pitcher works well.
If you want to simplify your life, there is only one thing you need to do. When people think of simplifying they generally think of decluttering, painting their interior walls white, and swapping out their tv for books. All those things are awesome but simplifying is so much more than organizing and making a trip to the donation center.
What does this look like?
If we could strip down our homes, our closets, cars, fancy hair colors, elaborate foods, and our swag what would you see? How would you feel? To answer those questions kind of depends on where you are in life. But no matter where you sit on this stripping down, we all have a common ground. We all have the same amount of time, we all need to have clean water to survive, we all have bodies to take care of, we all have drive and purpose unique to our own, we all have family (whether by blood or by friendship) and we all have a heart.
So when people come to me and say “I want to simplify my life”, I get excited for them and understand them. They are ready for change. For I know their main target, whether said or kept silent, is to find peace and joy in this chaotic world.
Simplifying does get them there, yet the more we uncover the rubble of our homes, lifestyle, and everyday living, the more we will see what’s happening around us and in us. It is then where we conquer and achieve the peace and joy we set out to claim.
Do you want to simplify your life?
Okay, then, you want to simplify your life. Then, love. It’s love that will simplify your life. Love comes first. Love for God, love for your family, love for the things you enjoy, and love for the things you are grateful for.
That’s right if you can just prioritize love, then everything else will take care of itself. It is what our Creator wants us to do, to love Him, and to love our neighbor…which is everybody in case you didn’t know. Love will get you places and put you on the path He has created just for you.
What do I mean by love?
I’m not talking about sexual love. Nor am I addressing the love of steak or red velvet cake. The love I’m talking about is genuine. Love is very complicated yet simple in form. I address the simple because it is the little things that make such a big difference!
What is the simple form of love?
The simple form of love is to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is so easy, yet so difficult because we get in our own way. When we can put ourselves to the side…happily…we will experience the peace and joy we’re after.
How do we learn to love in this way?
We look to Jesus. He came to earth to give us an example of how to love. Not only that, he then took on a brutal beating, got nailed to a cross by his hands and feet, and suffered a slow death of his earthly body…for you. He went through all of this to forgive you of your sins so that you can talk with God directly, and go to heaven.
Not long ago I did a little experiment and practiced what I just preached. It has been an amazing venture. And I have learned a great deal about how to simplify my life. I simply loved my neighbor. During this time I also discovered more about myself, a bonus.
How do you love your neighbor to simplify your life?
You listen. Listen for keywords, for joys, for a cry for help. What are they going through, what are their needs, and how can you bless them, or put a smile on their face? If you were in their shoes, what would you want? Listen to your own heart, what stirs it, did something strike it, is there something you know you should do?
With my experiment, I did just that. I put myself in others’ shoes and it really changed how I talked to people and what I did with my time. And you know what happened? It took the focus off my own problems and I experienced joy and peace. Whoa!
Think of them while you’re shopping, pick up a surprise for them.
Wave to them
Smile and say hello
Pray with them, pray for them
Keep your eyes and ears open for how to lend them a hand
Listen to them when they need to vent. Then listen to them again. Remember they’re not looking for you to solve their issue, they just need someone to listen to them. So instead of giving them your free advice, ask them questions and be curious in what they are trying to express to you. Listening is a huge way to love.
Simply said
To simplify your life please know that life is not necessarily about stuff being organized neatly or having a blank calendar. Simplifying life is about making a shift of priorities and focusing on what your Creator would like you to focus on…love. He’ll take care of the rest. Here’s a great post about How to Have a Happy Family: 3 Revolutionary Steps.
How can we make a quick healthy meal on a budget? When it comes to meals I use five criteria to measure success: taste, health, speed, digestion, and budget. These days we need anything that helps! Dive into my secrets to help you get more flavor, more money, and better health. Let’s jump right in.
#1 My secret ingredients to flavor
Have you noticed when you eat something that tastes good, stress doesn’t exist for that moment? Bland food is quite boring and can leave us unsatisfied. Let’s fix the “blaa” with a little “bam-bam”. Here are some of my favorite flavor touches that are easy to use and give you healthy meals on a budget:
My second criterion for reducing stress in the kitchen is to create a healthy meal using the right tools. There are a ton of kitchen gadgets, but we’re going to keep it simple and focus on five ways to cook and heat up a meal.
5 Ways to Cook & Heat Up a Meal
Baking fish and starches instead of frying saves us a lot of heartaches…literally…and calories for that matter. Roasting potatoes, squash, and even cauliflower are super easy and a healthier method. Simply cube the veggie, toss it in olive oil with a little salt, set the oven at 350 degrees, and bake for 30-40 minutes. Test with a fork for your liking. You may like my Warm Kale Salad Recipe!
Air Fryer
Buy on Amazon!
If I’m in a hurry yet want a break from the microwave, I opt for the Air-fryer or the toaster oven. I use them for warming up homemade waffles, a small batch of cookies or brownies, garlic bread, sweet potato fries, a small pizza, and chicken nuggets. Both cooking devices automatically shut off when the timer is done, so I can put my dish in it and forget it. The air fryer is awesome for making camping more comfortable. We use this one.
We use our grill all year round and we live in Michigan! To keep grilling safe and healthy, it’s important to keep it clean. Be sure to scrape the grill with a brush before using, and clean the grill at least three times a year if you’re a heavy user; meaning, giving the grates a good soak in Dawn dish soap. One of our favorite dishes is bacon-wrapped chicken legs, this recipe is a keeper!
Yes, I use the microwave to warm up meals when I’m in a hurry. My main reasons for the microwave are frozen veggies, chicken nuggets, and microwave popcorn. Microwaves have come a long way and are safe to use.
Cast Iron
Buy on Amazon!
This is my secret weapon in the kitchen when it comes to speed, taste, and easy cleanup. This pan, as my son would say, is ‘Beast’…meaning cool. When it gets hot, it stays hot. And cleaning it is a piece of cake, no soap! Simply rinse and heat back up on the stove to dry. Easy peasy! I love my cast iron pans. Salmon in a skillet recipe is totally bussing.
I do love my Crockpot, but I only use it maybe once a week. There are loads of kitchen gadgets promising this or that; we get excited for a few weeks then tuck them away in an abyss cupboard. Keep it simple in the kitchen, and stick to the old fashion way of cooking. You’ll find it actually goes pretty fast. My favorite crockpot recipe is Simple Game Day Sloppy Joes.
Cast iron pan
I wasn’t joking about old fashion. Everyone should have a cast iron pan. Read the benefits above.
Boiling water
The old saying to put a wooden spoon on top of the rim of the pan to make the water boil faster? Well, it works. Simply lay a wooden spoon across the top of the pan, kind of like a bridge. In about a handful of minutes, the water is ready for the pasta.
Freezer meals
I’m not a fan of freezing meals unless it’s leftover chili or stew. Lasagna is another good freezer meal, but other than that, it’s easier to resort to the grocery’s freezer meals. You should venture into your freezer and clean it from old food every quarter.
There are a lot of factors leading to diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, acid reflux, and cramping. They range from food allergies, food sensitivities, food combining, eating too fast, the lack of digestive enzymes, hormones, bile acid, autoimmune disorders, gut flora, leaky gut, and/or viruses and bad bacteria.
My first strategy in figuring out why I feel icky is to eliminate the most common inflammatory foods: dairy, gluten (wheat), nuts, soy, and eggs. Most likely one of these foods is your trigger. Food elimination will take time, but it’s worth it when you figure it out.
*Please note, I’m not a doctor, nor am I trying to be. I share information I have either experienced myself or am extremely interested in, and then I keep things simple and give you the nutshell version. Please consult your physician before jumping into new things.
Just so you know, it takes about three weeks for cow’s milk protein to vacate your system. For wheat, it takes two weeks to feel a bit better, but around three months for it to be out of your system. For soy and eggs, it’s two weeks. Here’s a good post from All Ways Well on how to go about it. Keep it simple, your body will love you, and you’ll help it heal!
#5 Budget: 6 ways to save on meals
1 – Join store membership
One of the ways I save money on meals is to join the store membership. In fact, one of my stores kicks back $7.00 after I reach a certain goal. They also have online coupons. Not to mention member-only specials! And you can even shop and scan with the app. They might know what you buy, but they’ll also send you coupons to match your shopping list.
2 – Buy what’s in season
Another way I save is to adjust my menu with what is growing in season. For squash dishes, I delay until fall and early winter. Strawberry pie is good in March. Here is a quick guide to knowing what fruits and veggies are in season so you know when you’re getting the best deal on them. Download my In-Season guide now.
3 – Go to different stores
A third trick is to go to different stores to get the best price. For instance, the coconut milk ice cream I buy isn’t on sale at my normal store, but it is on sale at my secondary store. This may be a lot of running around, so you’ll have to decide whether it’s worth the gas, but I find this technique helpful. I have about five go-to stores to get the best deals. But how do you remember where you got what? You can download theWhere I Buy Memory Guidefrom Freebies and tuck it in your planner or handbag.
4 – Buy store brand
Buy store brand. There is not much difference in taste and quality from name-brand goods to store brands. Simply look for the store brand and compare prices. You can even keep track at how much you save!
5 – Watch the ingredients
Watch the ingredients! Yes, you can save money by reading the nutrition label. How? Some food manufacturers use ingredients that are addictive, like High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and MSG…not to mention salt and just plain sugar. When you eat more, you buy more of it! Steer clear of HFCS and MSG. I know they’re tasty but they don’t do you any favors from a wallet and health perspective.
6 – Don’t skimp the protein
Don’t skimp on the protein. Sure some proteins can be expensive, but so are second helpings and snacking! When our bodies don’t get protein we are hungry all the time, which can lead to overeating, weight gain, and crankiness…yes, carbs do that. Make a point to eat some kind of protein at every meal. To save even more money, buy protein in bulk at a membership store like Costco or Sam’s. Be sure to look at the price per unit to make the best decision.
Sources of protein include nuts, dairy (unless you’re sensitive), seeds, chicken, fish, pork, beef, turkey, tempeh (soy), quinoa, broccoli, and lentils.
In conclusion
When it comes to meals, use your head not your stomach. My five criteria get the job done for me. I go for taste, health, speed, digestion, and budget. My hope is that you found some new ideas to test out. As an added bonus, here is a 5-day menu plan based on all my criteria. Enjoy!
Inspirational quotes are not all fairies and rainbows. Inspiration is meant to make things happen, not to sit on a cloud and wander. We all need encouragement or stimulation to get moving. We all certainly know how to complain, and lately, in the world, there has been A LOT of that going on. Let me remind you (and myself) that complaining gets you nowhere where you want to go, but doing does! This all boils down to what motivates us. Is it money? Freedom? Flexible schedule? Wellness? What gets you moving?
Right now in the world – ouch
The number of “Help Wanted” signs is at an all-time high, but people don’t want to work. We’re in a strange time right now that will eventually catch up to us. And when all this unemployment does kick at our heels, what does that look like? Enticing money bonuses come and go, yet encouraging words last a lifetime. I wonder what would happen if more words of inspiration were spoken instead of handouts? Think about that for a minute. People need encouraging words. They need something to inspire them to want to make a difference. It doesn’t matter if you make millions or a few pennies, everyone needs to know they are important and wanted.
Why words matter
When we’re inspired, things happen. Not only that but when we read or hear an amazing quote, something ignites us inside. We are all different people, motivated by a variety of things in a number of ways. When the right words are said or heard, it makes life meaningful.
Some of the most powerful words are the simplest words, like ‘Thank You’ or ‘Good job’. How does it make you feel when you hear, “Keep up the good work!” or “I believe in you”. What about “You’re really smart”, or “You’re full of creativity”? Some of my favorites are, “You’re a hard worker” and “I appreciate you”.
With something as simple as speaking or reading words with a purpose, it’s easier to start things, to accomplish tasks, and to make a difference. Brighten someone’s day by speaking into their goals; heighten your day by fueling your dreams. To help you with this, I put together a list of my top 10 inspirational quotes. May these words inspire you or someone you know.
My top 10 inspirational quotes:
1 – Be the change that you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi
2 – Every great achievement is the story of a flaming heart. – Harry S. Truman
3 – Focus on things that are small enough to change, but big enough to matter. – Kat Cole
4 – I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do. – J. Stanfield
5 – Live out of your imagination, not your history. – Stephen Covey
6 – Most of us don’t need more instructions; we simply need someone who believes in us. – Bob Goff
7 – No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of others. – Charles Dickens
8 – Your dream is a gift God gives you. What you make of it is your gift to Him. – Holley Gerth
9 – We’re here to make trails, not to follow ones. – Christy Troy
10 – When someone tells you it can’t be done, it’s more a reflection of their limitations, not yours. – Dr. Andy Baldwin
In closing
Words go a long way in peoples’ lives. A few words of encouragement or inspirational quotes can definitely change the course of life and open doors we didn’t even know were there. Why don’t we try for a week to stop complaining and do one task about the things we complain about? I wonder what would happen?
Don’t know how to start? Here’s a post to spark your tinder: Gotta Start Somewhere. Check it out!
The bacon-wrapped chicken leg recipe is a tailgate show stopper. This recipe is also a hit at summer barbecues, picnics, and Super Bowl parties. With only two ingredients this dish is super easy to make and fun for the kids.
Bacon marries well with anything, and chicken is a top 5 bacon-lovers mate. Move over salmon BLT, here’s come the chicken leg! When it comes to making this recipe involve the kids. Wrapping the bacon around the chicken leg is a lot of fun and easy to do.
Even though there are two ingredients, make sure you buy high quality chicken and bacon. The cleaner the chicken the better tasting and texture, same with the bacon. I opt for the organic chicken and nitrate-free bacon.
Added bonuses to the bacon-wrapped chicken leg
My husband has played around with putting chicken seasoning on the chicken before the bacon is wrapped around it, I personally don’t think it needs it. With this recipe, you’re open to experimenting. You might even like to play with a little barbeque sauce. Yum!
Get on Amazon
Special chicken leg tool
You will need a tool to make this all happen. Get on Amazon and buy a chicken leg rack. We havethis one, which we bought on Amazon. You can use it in the oven or on the grill. We have used it in both environments. It’s a good buy and a necessity for this recipe.
The perfect sides and finishing touches
My only advice when eating bacon-wrapped chicken legs is to have a toothpick handy when you’re done; not to mention, a napkin or hand wipe. They may get a little messy, but who cares? Your family and friends will enjoy this recipe. If there’s bacon, they will come.
Great side dishes to serve with bacon-wrapped chicken legs depending on the season. If it’s summer, I’d go with an amazing potato salad and watermelon mint salad. For game day, I’d choose some fancy potato chips and veggie sticks with dip. If you’re having this dish for dinner, go for some fun garlic noodles, steamed broccoli, and red grapes. Another great healthy choice is to make my warm kale salad, this dish is nutrient-dense!
This simple chicken recipe is a family favorite! It has bacon… Only two ingredients and not that high in calories!
Course Appetizer, Main Course, Snack
Cuisine American
Keyword bacon, chicken, dairy-free, gluten-free
Prep Time 10 minutesminutes
Cook Time 40 minutesminutes
Total Time 50 minutesminutes
Servings 6
Calories 215kcal
Cost $8
Chicken Leg Rack
Meat thermometer
6LegsA package of chicken legsSkin on is fine. Spend the extra dollars for a higher quality chicken. It makes a big difference.
1/2PackageBaconAny bacon will do. Again, to be healthier, choose a low sodium bacon or preservative free.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and get your chicken rack ready.
Take the skin off the chicken legs
Grab one strip of bacon and wrap one chicken leg. Start at the bottom of the leg and work your up to the top. You might be able to tuck the bacon into a bacon row.
Continue to wrap the rest of the chicken legs and put them in the Chicken Rack.
Bake or Grill the bacon wrapped chicken legs for 40 minutes or until the internal temperature is 165 degrees.
Check the internal temperature of the chicken, remember it's to be 165.
Let the chicken rest for a few minutes then DIG IN!
Calories are an estimate per bacon-wrapped chicken leg. This is an amazing tailgate snack. My teenage son loves these things, he’ll eat four! Serve with some greens, potato salad, pasta, or broccoli and you’ve got yourself a meal!
We took this recipe to a tailgate for a college football game and let’s just say the chicken was gone in an instant. So if that’s your plan…to take it to a game…you may want to get two chicken leg racks!
FYI- My son is known to put the leftovers in his lunch. Yes, bacon-wrapped chicken legs are good cold too! Another great lunch option for the kiddos. Enjoy!
Be sure to check out my other simple and delicious recipes!