How to Manage Stress in a Healthy Way: 4 Tips

How to Manage Stress in a Healthy Way: 4 Tips

Ready to manage stress in a healthy way? Stress is now becoming a part of our everyday lives. The pace of life is heightened, people seem to be edgier, and anxieties of all sorts are making their way to the front of the line. However, there are ways to manage stress in a healthy way that will make you happier and healthier than submitting to medication or drugs. Today I have four questions to help you manage stress in a healthy way.

woman with horse how to manage stress in a healthy way

“She’ll be coming around the mountain when she comes.”

While writing this post a lyric from the old childhood song, She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain got stuck in my head. She’ll be driving six white horses when she comes ‘whoa back’. Busyness can take many forms: a badge of accomplishment, a strained ball-n-chain, or simply a lifestyle without margin. When we get in the busy mode we have blinders in our peripheral vision, our backs are heavily weighed, and we kick ourselves to go faster. The term ‘whoa back’ isn’t in our vocabulary, so slowing down would be a crime!

However, at some point, we will get bucked off and hit the ground, it’s just a matter of how hard we hit. After we dust ourselves off we most likely will ask what the heck was that. Staying on the horse is about knowing when to say “not right now”. It’s about knowing where we need to slow down. And it’s about knowing how to do it.

God didn't design us for maximum productivity but for relational intimacy. Holley Gerth

Do I have the right motive?

While reading through an email from Holley Gerth, her words struck a cord in me. She said, “Our God didn’t design us for maximum productivity but for relational intimacy. We so easily forget this and think we’re on this earth to do as much as we can as quickly as we can.” Oh, how I have fallen for productivity! I love being productive and there is nothing wrong with it, but there is a fine line…motive. When the motive isn’t aligned with God’s will for you that day, stress comes to play.

4 tips on how to manage stress in a healthy way

Question 1. What is causing me to stress out and fall off my horse?

I recently got bucked off of not knowing what caused my unstoppable momentum. My schedule had no margin. If I wasn’t working on my blog, I was working on my side gig, and if I wasn’t doing that, I was busy with some other project, and then finally…I would fill in the cracks with my family. My priorities were out-of-whack, seriously backward! The harmony of the many roles I played each day was out of tune. And the problem was an overloaded schedule. I knew it but ignored it.

Was I addicted to being busy? Running from something? Trying to impress someone? I’m not 100% sure, but I know when I fall prey to comparison, my schedule builds. If she can do it, I can do it. The word “no” doesn’t exist. The word “stop” is blasphemy.

How comparison happens

During these comparison seasons chatting with colleagues and hearing stories of massively insane schedules makes me wonder how they get it all done. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not doing enough? Are they getting it done? This thinking catalyzes my expectations of myself, which can be good and bad, but differentiating between the two is a challenge.

Why am I so tired?

This superficial race is mentality exhausting and frankly, it’s stupid thinking. No one is perfect. Who has it all figured out? No one is ever skipping down the Yellow Brick Road with all her ducks in a row. Everyone has different strengths. Yet, the problem with comparisons, whether it be on social media or in grocery store conversations, is that we don’t know the whole story. We don’t always see the condition of others’ hearts and how it weighs on their wellness. We just see the ‘yes man’ and subconsciously start to compete.

The ‘yes man’ is a vicious cycle and a damaging one. We agree to things we don’t want to do, we fill our schedules to please others, and we constantly aim for perfection. But what happens to us in the process? What happens to OUR well-being? What happens when we’re running here and there and everywhere with no time to spare? Mistakes. Mistakes happen.

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2. When do I know when something has to change?

My red flags come from a variety of sources. One source is my family when they voice their opinion. Another source of red flags is when I don’t have time to get outside to garden or walk. The biggest warning that something has to change is from my body, the one vessel that makes it all happen. If there is one thing that will slow us down, it’s our bodies. My mistake is not listening to these messages. Before you know it your body will tell you when to change things. Unfortunately, in 2019 I ended up with horrible piriformis syndrome which forced me to slow down, way down. Injuries aren’t the only signal from our bodies, being overweight, being chronically sick, and developing a disease can tell you too.   

woman laying on log slow down time

The Bible talks a lot about slowing down, taking a Sabbath (Exodus 20:9-10), just be (Psalm 46:10), and coming to Him who are weary and need rest (Matthew 11:28). These are just a few references in the Bible. But the Lord has a reason for teaching us how to slow down. I believe one of those reasons is to give our bodies and minds rest so we don’t make big mistakes.

3. Where do we need to slow down?

This question is simply answered by paying attention. Where are you most stressed? What is occupying the majority of your time? How is your schedule affecting others? Are the people around you agitated? Needy? Lonely?

Perfecting balance in every area of your life is not a destination. It’s a moment. We can’t be everywhere at once. There will be days when the schedule weighs heavier in one area than another, but the key is to recognize it. Quieting the mind and sitting in silence helps see where there is congestion. Slowing down a racehorse isn’t easy, so start by giving yourself five minutes of silence. This awareness helps you try harder the next day to find that harmony. Consciously be aware of how you’re using your time, you’ll see where it needs to slow down.

4. How do we slow down before it’s forced upon us?

This is a great question. I’m still figuring it out. One thing is for sure, we need to set boundaries. Setting boundaries gives us permission to say “Not right now” or “No, but thank you for thinking of me”. Boundaries give us our space to recuperate so when we do say ‘yes’ we can be our best. You can say ‘no’ to others, but it’s imperative to also say ‘no’ to yourself and the expectations you’ve created. Learn how to relax.

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Wrapping it up

How to manage stress in a healthy way starts with being aware of what you’re reacting to. Asking yourself key questions will help you understand why your body and mind are working on overdrive. What is causing this stress? Knowing when to change something. Where you need to make that change. And how to slow down. Please note that racing with other horses is a game, not a lifestyle. Set your boundaries and take the time to love yourself.

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By CT Copyright © 2023 Simplify Firefly, All Rights Reserved. 

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!

Have you ever gotten overwhelmed, in a funk, or frustrated about the pace of life? Having a hobby can help quiet the roar of chaos and make you feel human again. I’ve got some great hobby ideas for you. But wait! I know what you might say, “I don’t have time for a hobby”. I used to think that way too, but after a little experimenting, I found my hobby to be a superhero to my mental health. Let’s get a better understanding of why a hobby helps us then get hobby ideas to try out.

Hobby ideas

What exactly is a hobby?

A hobby is an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. The keyword in that definition is “not working”. The hard part is knowing when to stop working. What I love about a hobby is that time isn’t ticking in your ear. You’re not looking at the clock to see when your shift is over. A hobby is your gift to yourself, so you can be yourself! When we’re under heavy stress our bodies produce more cortisol which can be harmful to our health. But when we’re engaged in, let’s say, a hobby, we’re producing the ‘feel-good’ hormones.

I like to look at a hobby as a type of recreation that rejuvenates your spirit. It’s an activity that challenges you in a way in which you want to be challenged. You see, your hobby is YOUR hobby. No one can tell you how to do it unless you welcome the suggestions.

IF I can create the minimum of my plans and desires, there shall be no regrets. Bessie Coleman

Top 13 reasons to get a hobby:

1. Helps enhance meaning in your life.

2. Gets the creative juices flowing.

3. Increases personal satisfaction.

4. Builds self-confidence and self-esteem.

5. Relieves stress.

6. Gives you something to talk about other than work.

7. Helps you meet new people.

8. Contribute to society or the community.

9. Boosts brain power and cognitive function.

10. It has the potential to create extra income.

11. Gateway to happiness.

12. Helps prevent boredom when boredom can be harmful to you. Let me expand: overeating, depression, drug use, looking at things you know you shouldn’t, or alcohol use usually come into play when we’re bored. Boredom and its adverse effects are going to get the best of us at times, but when we have a hobby we have an easy way out and can focus on that.

13. The icing on the cake about a hobby is that it actually helps you do a better job at work. CNBC posted an article about how a hobby can improve your work performance. For one, it helps prevent burnout. As said earlier, it helps inspire creativity and enhance your problem-solving skills. A hobby helps reduce stress. 

More on hormones.

silhouette standing in start

Hormones are a love/hate relationship. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. As said earlier, the most damaging hormone is cortisol which is produced in our bodies when we’re under stress. The good news is that happy hormones do exist, but to get them we must do a few things. There are four major blissful boostersendorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Each hormone serves a different purpose, in a nutshell, this is what they do:

  • Endorphins are essentially the body’s painkillers. Vigorous exercise or even eating spicy food releases endorphins.
  • Serotonin is the mood mediator. Get outside. Being in the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D, which helps produce serotonin. Even low-intensity exercise helps.
  • Dopamine is a gratifying hormone, in terms of goal achievement. It’s all about goals and achieving them to bring on the dopamine. We set an achievable goal and go after it, when we reach it, dopamine is experienced.
  • Oxytocin. This is the love hormone. I think my husband has an abundance of this one! LOL. Physical contact, hugs, massage, and sex release this hormone.

When it comes to your hobby, aim to achieve one of these hormones. Now if you want to experience all the bliss boosters at once, you might want to look into “R5HHPJ” as your hobby: Run 5 miles while holding hands with your honey, drinking hot pepper juice from your water bottle…now that’s a hobby!

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What are some great hobby ideas?

This is a loaded question because you can make a hobby of your own; the trick to finding one you love is to try some on. Here are some hobby ideas for you to check out:

Knitting, exercising, reading, sales shopping and discount hunting, start a blog, music, woodworking, organizing, auto work, boating, horseback riding, hobby farming, candle making, photography, dance, winemaking, beer brewing, cooking, traveling, wilderness survival, Bible memory, drawing, painting, decorating, gardening, hunting, fishing, camping, running, write a book, kayaking, cycling, walking, surfing, sewing, essentially any sport, collections, puzzles, and pretty much anything other than work.

Remember a hobby is something that gives YOU personal enjoyment yet still a little challenge to enhance your well-being. Think of it as keeping your hands and mind busy getting lost in creativity. This could very well be the peacekeeper you’ve been looking for to help balance life.

In conclusion

There are some great hobby ideas out there to suit you, you just need to experiment with which one or ones find your fancy. Hobbies do change too. Pay attention to when you might be phasing out of one hobby, so you can start searching for new hobby ideas. Just remember, hobbies are not a waste of time, they are our therapy to keep us happy.

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By CT Copyright © 2019 More Than Existence All Rights Reserved

Ask, Believe, Recieve: the power of prayer

Ask, Believe, Recieve: the power of prayer

The power of prayer is mysterious. Prayer makes things happen. It is a gift from God for ALL to use at any time. I guarantee you will feel better after you pray. There is something extremely special about being able to give our worries to God for Him to figure out, rather than carrying them ourselves. That’s what the power of prayer does, it sets us free. Let’s learn a little bit more about prayer and God’s truths. Here’s a quick snapshot of the power of prayer.

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Prayer Benefits

If you want to start a new healthy habit, start working on your prayer life. This is a process, a very exciting journey! I can’t believe the difference it has made in my life. My anxiety has decreased, my stress level is healthier, and I feel more clear-headed. Answered prayer is around the corner, ask for it, believe it’s going to happen, and receive it with open arms.

Praying to God through His son Jesus with help from the Holy Spirit is truly a gift,  John 14:6 – “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Christ died on the cross and was resurrected to set us free, to give us eternal life, and to give us this gift of prayer to God, the Only living God!

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What’s so awesome about the power of prayer?

Prayer gives you hope. God is incredibly mysterious, Jesus is the coolest person this planet has EVER experienced, and the Holy Spirit is amazingly powerful; you just never know when or how your prayer will be answered, but it will be answered. The answer could be No, Slow, Grow, or Go.

Prayer immediately, gives you faith, for wherever you were before your prayer, you’re in a better position after your prayer.  He will lift you up and answer your prayer in due time (1 Peter 5:6) this promise is incredibly healing.

When I give it all to Him to figure out, I can walk in confidence throughout my day that He has my back, He walks with me, and before me (Deuteronomy 3:18). Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) Open your eyes, awaken your ears, and plant in your heart the Truth. In John 8:32 Jesus says, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Pray and ask Him to show you the way, to fill your mind and heart with truth, and to lead you in life. Prayer is so good, extraordinarily loving, and completely full of truth.

Mark 11:24

How to pray

Let me reiterate: Prayer is the MOST important part of your life! Remember this, the more you know God personally, the better your prayer life will be. The Bible isn’t just for instruction, it’s also for getting to know your Creator, His son Jesus on a personal level, for Him to speak to you. It is a communication line to and from God, himself.

I read this next statement that totally made sense to me and has stayed with me: Pray before a crisis happens. Meaning, pray in the morning before your day starts, and pray at night before your body, heart, and mind rest. Stand firm in Christ.

If you have a choice of where to pray, find a place that is your secret place to pray, where there are NO distractions. A place where you can be your total and true self. Your prayer place is a place where you can cry, sob, yell, and sing without the world looking at you and judging you. 

Invite the Holy Spirit to come and guide your prayer. Playing soft instrumental music in the background helps me welcome the Holy Spirit. 

To close your eyes or keep them open? It doesn’t matter. I do both. The Bible doesn’t say you have to close your eyes. 

To go deeper in prayer, memorize scripture and recite it back to God in your prayer. 

When I pray I like to go in this kind of order:

  1. Praising God and telling Him how great He is.
  2. Thanking Him for everything big and small that comes to mind.
  3. Confessing my sin and asking for forgiveness, getting right with God.
  4. Asking for the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and help me pray.
  5. Asking for protection over the Enemy, and using God’s armor to stand firm next to Christ.
  6. Other prayer requests, praying for people, situations, and myself according to His will.
  7. Asking all in Jesus’ name. Sealing the prayer in and through Jesus. For instance, I end the prayer something like this… “Thank you Jesus, I ask all this in your name, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Sometimes, on challenging days, my order goes out the window and I simply talk to Him, lament, cry, and get it all out. He is full of truth, love, mercy, and hope. He is the only One. Pour into Him, trust Him. Ask Him. Love Him.

Let’s practice this power of prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for YOU! Thank you for your son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. I’m so grateful for your truth and the power of prayer. Thank you so much for the gift of prayer through your Son Jesus. Please forgive me of my sins, for things I’ve done or said to others that are offensive to you, please forgive me of my selfishness, pride, and greed that come from the pressures of the world. (any other sins you can think of ).

Thank you Jesus for what you did for me. Lord, Father God, please fill my heart today with your Holy Spirit so that my words and actions would reflect your son Jesus. Guide my steps that lead me to do your will today. (Pray for others) I pray for healing over my physical body, and for healing in my heart and mind in Jesus’ name. (pray for other things only God can do) May you fill me with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. You are my God. I love you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for choosing me. I‘m so grateful for the time you’ve given me. In Jesus’ all-powerful and mighty name, I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

for wherever you are before you pray, you'll be in a better position after you pray

Before you go, check out these other great posts:

Claim Your Life Back: 7 Steps to Fight Spiritual Warfare

How to Heal Your Body: 8 Must-Haves

Nature Quotes: the power of the outdoors

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Steps

How Cookie Dough Gave Me Super Powers

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By CT Copyright © 2023 Simplify Firefly. All Rights Reserved.

How to Get Unstuck in Life: 5 Essential Tools To Break Free

How to Get Unstuck in Life: 5 Essential Tools To Break Free

How to get unstuck in life? Do you feel like you’re going nowhere? Are things not going your way? I get it. It’s a frustrating season to be in. With that said, let’s get a game plan to know how to navigate through these tough times. I’ve got five essential tools you’re going to want in your back pocket. Plus, read about my personal experience that wraps this all together. Let’s break free and keep moving forward.

how to get unstuck hamster wheel

Where I got stuck

In the autumn of 1998, I took a mountaineering class near Vail, Colorado. I felt lost in life and wanted to get back to nature to get a fresh perspective and restart. To say simply, I was seeking clarity in life. Being a young adult, I had the time to head to the mountains and take a breather; in a surprising way, I found a piece of my puzzle that helped me move forward.

My group consisted of eight people. The dynamics were a bit of a mishmash…many personalities and many opinions. As you know, this can make it very difficult in any situation. Survival tasks weren’t easy. We weren’t in cozy cabins with a coffeemaker. We had tarps to sleep under, water filter tablets, and food rations. Yes, I signed up for this!

A few challenges we embarked on were rock climbing, summiting a 12,500 ft. peak, learning how to identify a storm, experiencing solo time for two days, and knowing how to do search n’ rescue. All great stuff when you’re with the right people. It’s crazy how people can affect an experience and change its whole vibe.

On this particular day, our task was to follow a topographical map and use a compass to get to the next camp. Sounds simple, yet it was to be done without our guide and not follow a trail. According to our instructors, it was a six-hour trip. Easy peasy.

We got this, right?

The day started crisp yet sunny, things were looking good; the challenging aspect of this task was to follow the leader. You see, each person had to take a turn to lead the group. We had to follow their direction; needless to say, it was a mess.

Let me reiterate; being stuck in life isn’t all about our circumstances. Another factor that contributes to our situation is knowing WHO is around us. People matter. Are you around toxic people or encouraging and loving people? On this day, our instructors should have added a rule for everyone to shut their mouths! After six hours into our trek, the sky began to darken. A bit of panic settled into some folks, including me. We knew what was coming, we just didn’t know how powerful it would be.

Within minutes rain, hail, and wind pounded our bodies. It felt like the heavens opened up and barfed on us. We thought about quitting; yet, the risk of getting hyperthermic was high, and stopping would put us in danger. Our backpacks felt like cinder blocks and our boots were filled with water. We felt stuck. Exhausted from arguments, weather, and complaining, we wanted to signal our guides to find us…to give up.

as long as you're moving it's easier to steer

Stuck and the power of the mind

Listen up friend; the mind is a powerhouse, meaning, when you feed the mind with doom and gloom, you’re going to get what you put into it. We were not in a good place. Yet, we didn’t want to give up. How were we going to change our attitude to keep moving forward? Someone knew what had to change.

This is how we got unstuck

Out of nowhere, someone yelled, “Come on Nina, hot drinks. Christy, dry socks. Seth, spaghetti!” That person was a genius. He rocked us from ‘stuck’ to ‘moving forward’; and all it took was a little visionary picture. We pictured ourselves eating a warm meal, sipping hot tea, and wearing dry socks. As we continued to hike, we kept talking about how good the spaghetti was going to taste and how cozy our feet would be in warm dry socks. This picture naturally encouraged us. Our attitudes shifted. We got along, laughed, and grew stronger. Our goal of being cozy became a reality within two hours.

Know where you're headed

5 essential tools how to get unstuck in life

The backpacking trip is a small example of what a new picture (vision) can do. Having a forward-thinking picture of our future is one of the keys to surviving in this complicated world, most importantly, through our personal storms.

1. Focus

Get focused.

Take a few minutes each day and think “big picture”. How are your decisions today going to affect tomorrow; and who will those decisions impact? Jot down and journal what you want your future to look like and who is in that picture. Play around with ideas on how you’re going to get there.

2. Pray

Pray about where you are right now and where you want to go. Prayer is a very powerful tool that can change things. Prayer heals and it protects. When we are vulnerable, we need to be on alert. To rephrase, the Enemy has a hay day with our thoughts, attitudes, and who knows what else. Please, stand firm in Christ. I have a post on Spiritual Warfare you might want to check out.

Ask God to help you align with His will and to help you have perseverance.

3. Know your personal values

Line your vision up with your values, passions, and strengths. Personal values play a huge role in managing stress. Joy and confidence will fill us if our personal values align with our decisions. Be sure to check out: How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Tips

Ask yourself these questions: What is important to me? What do I love to do? What would be the best day ever? Values play such a big role in our happiness; pay attention to how you’re using them. To learn more about your personal values and to know what they are, I have a free exercise in Freebies.

Psalm 91:11

4. Talk

Talk with someone who understands your big picture or what you’re aiming for. This is huge. Just talking with someone who genuinely listens and asks the right questions can be a game-changer. Certainly, do your homework before calling from a Google search. Simply, find a professional who you trust. Ask your church or a friend you trust.

5. Get creative

In times of how to get unstuck in life, get your hands busy and start crafting up a vision board. I personally like to call them a “Big Picture Board”. Put pictures with what you want to pursue to make it achievable and motivating. There is power in ‘seeing is believing. There is a free guide to making your Big Picture Board (vision board) in my Freebies.

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Wrapping up how to get unstuck in life

Daniel Harkavy says, “Vision defines what you stand for, why you exist, and who you will become.” Having vision in a storm will make you stronger, wiser, and clearer about how to move forward.

This isn’t new news friends. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 to not put out the Spirit’s fire. Vision is bringing the picture out of our minds and experiencing it with our senses. The first step to how to get unstuck in life is to know you are stuck. The second is to want to get unstuck, this is where creating a vision for your future steps in and moves you forward. Know what you’re going after and envision it happening.

Before you go, check out these other great posts:

Top 4 Sabotages to Our Goals? You’ll Never Guess Them

How to manage money better!

Drama-Free Life? A Strategy You Don’t Want to Miss

5 Important Ways to Measure Success Without Numbers

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By CT Copyright © 2017 More Than Existence, All Rights Reserved.

Dress-up Not Just for Kids: 5 Benefits to Play Dress-up

Dress-up Not Just for Kids: 5 Benefits to Play Dress-up

As a child, one of my favorite activities was to play dress-up. Dressing up doesn’t just pertain to Halloween costumes. As an adult dress-up plays a big role in our overall success, did you know that? Have you ever tried mowing the lawn in a business suit? How about swimming in blue jeans? I’ll give you the top 5 benefits of dress-up for both kids and adults and why you should think about what to wear.

boy and girl playing dress-up

My recent dress-up play

One of my dreams as a kid was to have a Little House on the Prairie kind of life. Wearing the clothes and doing basic chores in them sounded so fun to me. I know that might sound silly, but those dresses were so pretty and full! At the time I wrote this post, I lived in a suburb with a small yard. My neighbors were about 12 feet away on both sides of our house, but we still had a garden.

After a fried day to the brain, I wanted to do something different to spark my imagination and escape the 21st Century so-to-speak. I wanted to play dress-up. To the bottom of my dresser drawer, I went and pulled my big long skirt out. This skirt wasn’t a prairie skirt as I have dreams but it was as close to one as I could get without spending money. It was dark teal with scattered blue sequents, and lime green lace and ribbon. My imagination had to work hard for it to be what Ma wore in Little House on the Prairie.

Dress-up gone wrong!

I slipped on the skirt and headed to the garden to do chores. It was fun walking to the garden, but gardening in this thing was not what I imagined. The garden was full of weeds and I only had a short amount of time before I had to get my son from school. In other words, my ‘playtime’ immediately went to ‘work time’.

working in garden

In case you didn’t know, wearing a long skirt while gardening is not the smartest move. I don’t know how they did it in those days, but it was pure misery. Weeds poked my bum and little bugs crawled up my legs! Needless to say, I didn’t want to get my fun skirt dirty. My escape to Walnut Grove turned into a stress ball. Back to the house I stomped, I even stepped on my skirt and about pulled it off. Arg! I threw my fun skirt on the floor and pulled on my garden pants. Back to the garden I went, sat down in the dirt, and weeded the rest of the garden in half the time.

What I learned

What I learned from my dress-up play is that I needed to decide if I wanted to play or work. If it’s to play, “practical” is not invited. But if it’s to work, you gotta adjust your attire and put functionality to use.

As soon as I changed into the pants I don’t care about, the garden was weeded efficiently and quickly without any bug interruptions! All in all dressing the part will give you a leg up on the performance end.

Top 5 Benefits of Dress-up

1. Builds Confidence

Confidence. We all want it, we all need it. Why? Because people are depending on us to make things happen. Things usually don’t happen unless we have confidence in doing the task at hand. Playing dress-up permits us to move forward and boosts our confidence in looking the part.

The more confident you feel in your clothes

the more you’ll achieve.

For instance; dressing the part tells your mind to do that specific activity well. If I’m mowing the lawn in my work suit, I’m going to hurry up and do a bad job because I don’t want my suit to smell like mower exhaust. And if I’m swimming in jeans…let’s just say I would probably drown. I know these are off-the-wall examples, but I’ve seen people do them. Not only did they look miserable, but the guy mowing the lawn looked out of place. To read more about confidence, check out this post: 5 Easy Ways to Build Courage & Confidence.

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2. Improves Brain Function

Dressing the part or playing dress-up engages our mind and triggers our memory. If we saw a coworker do an epic presentation and noticed their outfit, we too want that feeling of awesomeness when we do our presentation, so what do we do? We dress up as they did.

If we saw our mom make an amazing meal while wearing an apron, we too would want to wear an apron. How about Dad working in the yard with his work gloves and ballcap?

Wearing clothes that correlate to the job we’re trying to perform, puts us in the mode of doing a good job in that particular role. It gives us more confidence and freedom to act the part out, hence stimulating our brains to think as they do. When we dress like the character, we start to think like the character.

You can have anything in want in life if you dress for it. Edith Head quote

3. Fake it til you make it.

Dressing the part permits you to be that person. Have you heard the saying, “Fake it til you make it?” Sure you have! And you have every right to do so. You’ll learn more and more about that role until you know how to do it. Especially so if you are around people in that particular role.

4. Challenges your skills

What does a uniform say? It says I’m an expert, I have the answers. When you, let’s say, start a new job or you go to a trade show, your company wants you to wear their logo. They are asking you to represent them, which says you need to know the answers. Another example is at the store. You have a question, who do you seek for answers? Someone in uniform. When you wear the vest or logo, you have a responsibility if you want a paycheck. Dressing the part challenges you to learn as much as possible to answer questions. In return, knowing the answers makes your job a lot more fun and rewarding. It becomes easy and builds confidence.

5. It’s fun.

Putting some fun in your work can start in your closet or accessories drawer. Wearing fun bracelets, rings, or scarves does make a difference in enjoyment. Even nail polish can lift our moods. Dressing the part or playing dress-up is fun! When you have pep-in-your-step you’re happier, more productive, and people notice.

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Isn’t just for kids

Playing dress-up isn’t just for kids, or for Halloween, adults will benefit from it too. We don’t have to dress up in our old prom dress or as a frontier woman to reap the benefits of dress-up, we can make subtle additions that can have a magical impact.

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Subtle dress-up ideas:

  • Wear a fun apron when you cook or even clean. The apron gives you confidence in making a mess! Who cares if you wipe flour on your apron or splash cleaner on it, it’s an apron! It’s simply doing its job. Check out this super cute apron.
  • When working outside wear work gloves and “garden pants”.
  • Working-out? Dress for success. Pitch the cut-off sweats and homemade tanks, and pull on the performance wear.
  • Home from work? Immediately change out of your work clothes into something more relaxed.
  • Dress for the weather…need I say more?

All in all

May you get the most out of your outfits. Dress for any occasion, you will have more fun, you’ll feel better, have more confidence, and you might learn a thing or two.

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