Blog posts in order of published date:

10 Amazing Quotes About Courage + 3 Tips
Do you have a collection of quotes about courage? Let me ask you this, do you have courage? Are things happening in your life or are they just going with the flow? If you’re finding yourself on a hamster wheel day after day, you might need a little courage to change...

6 Simple Ways to Save Money on Valentine’s Day
Let's save money on Valentine's Day this year. You'll get my 6 simple ways to save money on Valentine's Day along with a little history about February 14th. Explore my simple and inexpensive gift ideas for you, your family, and your friend; but first I gotta tell you...

First Incredible Step to Losing Weight. Don’t miss this!
The first step to losing weight isn't cutting back on calories, it's much simpler than that. To be successful with weight loss and the management thereafter, it’s going to take a pencil and paper. There’s more to weight loss than weight. That's why the first step in...

How to Relax: 4 Reasons to Enjoy the Silence
Knowing how to relax sounds simple, yet relaxing can be hard to find, especially in the Christmas season. We live in a world that thrives on speed and noise. As things spin faster and noisier; it's now more critical to put yourself in a timeout to relax. Why? Because...

5 Important Ways to Measure Success without Numbers
To measure success in this day and age it pretty much boils down to a number. Sales numbers, weight on the scale, pant size, steps walked, income, number of orders, miles ran, test results, and so forth. There is nothing wrong with measuring success by numbers, I...

How to Build Confidence & Courage: 5 Easy Ways
In 2007 my confidence collapsed and my heart panted for fullness. My independence, which I held on to so tightly, attached to others. The attitude to do more than exist went to merely existing. I desperately needed to know how to build confidence and courage once...

How to Start Volunteering: 4 Tips to Succeed
Have you wondered how to start volunteering? I've got 4 great tips to help you succeed with your helping hand. But first, let's reminisce. Have you caught yourself saying, “Oh, someone else will do it.”? We all know volunteering is essential for our charities,...

How to Fight Stress: 5 Tactics Most People Forget
How to fight stress is something we need to address every day. Stress can make us do funny things with our actions, words, and even our bodies. Stress is something we live with minute by minute, and not all stress is bad, but we need to find ways how to fight stress...

How to live your dream life: embrace this 1 word.
How to live your dream life starts with looking at one word in a completely different way, this one thing can be a huge game-changer in how you move forward. To help paint this picture let's look at a movie. In 2018 the movie I Can Only Imagine debuted and has made...

How To Be Creative: Step 1
If you want to know how to be more creative it starts with understanding the purpose of creativity. How to be creative is meant to be yourself. Taping into our God-given talents and abilities helps us naturally be creative. A big part of how to be creative is...

5 Best Pieces of Advice for How to Simplify My Life
How to simplify my life is more than just throwing my stuff out. We're getting rid of stress and welcoming happiness into our home. Simplifying and organizing are sometimes used interchangeably, but we’re not going to organize today. We’re going to focus on...

5 Simple Mental Health Tips for Teens. Don’t Miss this!
Mental health tips for teens coming right up! Mental health is just like taking care of our physical health. The term "Mental Health" is not a bad word, it's not "crazy", and it isn't something to take lightly. How to manage mental health is daily exercise, just like...

How to Comfort People: 6 Ways
How to comfort people can be confusing, so much so, that we end up doing nothing. Doing nothing isn't the answer. We weren't put on this planet to go through hardship alone. Let's pull up our bootstraps, and open our hearts and our arms for those who need to lean on...

Winter Blues? 13 Ways to Naturally Beat It
Come January and February the winter blues gradually sneak up on us. Winter blues disorder is a thing. According to Cleveland Clinic having the "winter blues" is actually normal. You're totally fine to feel a little down during the colder months. They refer to it as...

How to Achieve Goals: Top 4 Sabotages You’ll Never Guess
Off-track? Want to know how to set goals and achieve them? When our goals and declarations stutter to a stop, our proactive self immediately turns into a reactive being. We get into a vicious cycle of reacting to our circumstances instead of making things happen. I’m...

How to Build Self Esteem: 3 Tips to be Yourself.
How to build self-esteem is so critically important, that it WILL affect your future. Talk about a simple act with big impacts! Do more than exist today by working on your confidence and self-esteem. I'm not saying for you to walk around and boast about yourself. The...

Gift Ideas for Hard to Buy People
The joy in giving gifts is a way to show others that they matter to you. Gifts are an actual love language. The gift doesn't need to be an expensive or elaborate present. Gift-giving is a great and easy way to show your fellow neighbor, friend, or family member that...

Kale Salad Recipe with Squash!
Oh my goodness, I am hooked on this kale salad recipe! Seriously, this is my new favorite lunch. I actually call this recipe Autumn Awesomeness, but I've been eating it all year round. There is something about all the flavors blending so well, crispy curly kale,...

How to Teach Your Child to Use Their Head
Some people are born smart, others learn how to be smart. Being smart isn't an amazing test score, that just says you can take a test. Being smart is how to navigate through this world with the intent of making it a better place. We are reminded of stories of people...

Gluten Free No-bake Cookie Recipe with Coconut!
Hold on to your apron for this amazing gluten-free no-bake cookie recipe with coconut! It's actually one of the healthiest cookies for school lunches and after-school snacks! They taste so good, you wouldn't even know it. These are easy to make and are gluten-free,...

Corn on the Cob Song Fun
Corn on the cob. A vegetable that gives you a rich buttery taste and a little crunch. Who doesn't enjoy this golden treat? It's so delicious and versatile! Why not sing a song about it? This song was a fun mom-and-son activity I did years ago. It's been hanging out on...

Kid Activities at Home: 10 Things You Can Do Right Now!
Need some fresh kid activities at home? There are three words that wreak havoc on a busy mom, “Mom, I’m bored”. Remember we’ve all been there as kids too. Bored is not a bad thing, but it's a lot more fun when we can spark an interest in our kids and get them out of...

How to Make Camping Comfortable: 7 Critical Tips!
Camp more comfortable by asking yourself, “What’s the purpose of the camping trip?” This should be the first thing you do before you start packing. Are you going to lay in the sun at the beach, hike in the woods, rock climb, swim, fish, or relax by the fire? Knowing...

Nature Quotes: the power of the outdoors
If you can't physically get outdoors, reading nature quotes will take your mind there. We were born with this internal love that connects us to nature. The awe of sunsets, oceans, and majestic mountains gets our attention. The outdoors is extremely entertaining and...

How to Manage Stress in a Healthy Way: 4 Tips
Ready to manage stress in a healthy way? Stress is now becoming a part of our everyday lives. The pace of life is heightened, people seem to be edgier, and anxieties of all sorts are making their way to the front of the line. However, there are ways to manage stress...

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!
Have you ever gotten overwhelmed, in a funk, or frustrated about the pace of life? Having a hobby can help quiet the roar of chaos and make you feel human again. I've got some great hobby ideas for you. But wait! I know what you might say, "I don’t have time for a...

How Smiling Reduces Stress
Smiling is more than an expression of how you feel. Simpling reduces stress! A smile can also have positive effects on those you smile at, and could even set the course of your day. It's crazy how a simple action can have huge rewards. Learn more about how smiling...

Ask, Believe, Recieve: the power of prayer
The power of prayer is mysterious. Prayer makes things happen. It is a gift from God for ALL to use at any time. I guarantee you will feel better after you pray. There is something extremely special about being able to give our worries to God for Him to figure out,...

How to Get Unstuck in Life: 5 Essential Tools To Break Free
How to get unstuck in life? Do you feel like you're going nowhere? Are things not going your way? I get it. It's a frustrating season to be in. With that said, let's get a game plan to know how to navigate through these tough times. I've got five essential tools...

Dress-up Not Just for Kids: 5 Benefits to Play Dress-up
As a child, one of my favorite activities was to play dress-up. Dressing up doesn't just pertain to Halloween costumes. As an adult dress-up plays a big role in our overall success, did you know that? Have you ever tried mowing the lawn in a business suit? How about...