Are you looking to have an awesome Christmas this year? A Christmas that will have meaning? I know I am. This past month I researched Christmas, that’s kind of funny to say, we all know Jesus was born and it’s about His birthday. But I sought out more understanding of Christmas and how I can make it more meaningful. Who knew it had to do with our own personal identity? Buckle up for an ‘Ah ha’ moment and 3 amazing tips!
What’s up with ‘Merry Christmas’?
In 1843 it was Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” that introduced the word ‘Merry’ for “Merry Christmas”. The dictionary defines Merry as cheerful and lively. Occasionally you’ll hear “Happy Christmas”, but “Merry” fits the bill. The word “Christmas” originated from “Christ’s Mass” which literally means a group of many people gathering to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. In fact, this celebration started in 313 AD, three centuries after Jesus’s crucifixion. Interesting isn’t it?
The history of gifts
For most people, Christmas’s meaning equals presents. Gifts are fun! Even for those who are hard to buy, yes, it’s a fun challenge. How did gift-giving come into play on Christmas? Well, it’s not a black-and-white answer:
1– It started in Europe as a pagan custom around the Winter Solstice, a celebration to mark the shortest day of the year. It falls in the range of December 20th-23rd each year. At this time ancient Rome would celebrate this day by gift-giving.
2– Around 336 AD December 25th was established as Jesus’s birthday in which the solstice gift-giving tradition leaked into the Christian holiday. Some believe that gift-giving started with the three Magi (wise men) giving gifts to baby Jesus.
3– On top of that, Santa Claus was introduced by a fourth-century Greek bishop who was a gift giver, Saint Nicholas. His legacy gradually blended into the Christmas celebration.
So “Merry Christmas” is a combination of things, but one thing is for sure, “Christ’s Mass” has stood the test of time. Jesus came to save us from our sins so we would have the opportunity to have life after death. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost”, says Jesus. And in Mark 10:45 Jesus also says, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
How serving others comes into play
A few years ago I read Matthew Barnett’s book The Cause Within You. He talks about his experience of listening and obeying God’s cause that He placed in his heart. Based in LA, he tells great stories about how people off the street, the homeless, drug dealers, and prostitutes have completely turned their lives around by focusing on Jesus and the cause God placed in their hearts. How serving others, rather than serving themselves and their addictions has changed their life.
He says, “As soon as you start thinking about the needs and burdens of others, and what you can do to alleviate them, or how you can bless and build up others, you begin to establish a new identity for yourself – your true identity. “ (page 38) This brings on meaning! Meaning for living.
Think about that for a minute. Christmas is the most popular time of year to give; not just presents. Just look at the Christmas movies: It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf, or even Die Hard. Yes, I just referenced Elf and Die Hard in the same sentence. But hear me out, they all have something in common.
Time is of the essence
Let me ask you this, what do you think would be a powerful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus this year? Sure we can give tangible gifts or donate money to a cause, those are fantastic ideas! But what about your time? Your precious time?
What about sacrificing a slice of your time and putting your talents to work to take the burden off someone else? Helping a neighbor with a project? Lifting someone up with a little encouragement? You might say, “But I do that already Christy” But do you do it with Jesus in mind? Do you consciously say, “Hey Jesus, let’s bless someone today! Use me. Work through me. Let’s do this!”?
I love this statement from Rick Warren, “What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived.” In the Bible, 1 Peter 4 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” But here’s a bonus in all this. If you think serving is just for the person being served, you’re missing it.
What does serving do for you?
Serving others produces being Merry. It gives you meaning and purpose…do I dare say dream life? Serving mysteriously produces a deep joy in your heart.
1 – To serve others gives significance. Putting our talents to work to help someone else is meaningful for us. It warms the cockles of God’s heart. And generates joy in your own.
2 – It produces gratitude both for the servant and the person being served.
3 – Serving brings us back to earth. Serving helps take the focus off what’s going on inside us, to what’s going on around us. This helps us put our own lives in perspective, need I say, to learn more about ourselves.
3 Tips on Serving Others:
1. The Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
2. Vision yourself helping.
3. Pray for opportunities in which you can help someone out.
Wrapping up Christmas and serving others
I have an experiment for you to try this month to gain more meaning in this holiday. I bet you know what it is. Serve with the mindset of giving a gift to Jesus; use your time, talents, and strength to give back to Him. Not sure where to serve? Don’t make this complicated. Open your eyes and pay attention to your surroundings. He’ll tell you.
One more thing, I encourage you to experience a “Christ’s Mass” and attend a Christmas Eve service at church this year.
Pride. Good? Bad? Let’s see in play and start practicing how to manage it. Ironically, I’ve got 5 ways to feel like Wonder Woman and pride ain’t one of them. PLUS! You’ll get tips on how to reduce stress along with an amazing gluten-free chocolate chip cookie recipe!
Get the recipe below, plus where I get the special ingredients.
Pride. What is it?
First off it was pride that got Satan kicked out of heaven. Yup. I’m starting with that. Secondly, pride is actually a weakness. How? One definition is this: pride is demeaning other people or feeling an aversion to others. It kind of sounds like pride has ingredients of envy, comparing, insecurity, being critical of others, disrespecting others, thinking you’re better than everyone else, and narcissism. I wouldn’t want that in my house either! Yet, because we live in a broken world, we’re going to find that in our house and in ourselves at times. So what do we do? How did we get it?
The setting, can you relate to?
Tears streamed down my cheeks. “Dear God, how am I going to do this? I have too much going on…too many hats to wear. Christmas is coming and I am the shopper, decorator, home manager, wife, mom, personal banker, blogger, volunteer, and now a student.”
Do you see what I see? This is what I see. I see my humanness in thinking I am a superwoman; that I can handle all these hats and do a great job. My expectations of myself are full of pride. Yet! I ask God to help me. Hmm.
There is nothing wrong with being busy and wearing many hats. Some people enjoy this kind of thing. But we must look at the motive behind our actions and agenda. Are the motives right with God? Or are the motives to prove to others that you are a superwoman and did it all by yourself and did a great job? Are you looking for that validation from others, that “wow” factor reaction from them? Or are you having fun and doing these things out of the joy of your heart for His Kingdom?
Let’s get vulnerable. I messed up.
That December, in 2017, I got carried away. I had a hard time sleeping, completing a thought, and taking care of my own physical ailments. I just existed. Don’t get me wrong it had its fun times with family and friends; but there were challenging, brain-draining, and humbling realities scattered throughout the month. The Enemy was at work and I didn’t see it.
“You let this little thing tell you what to do?”
– Diana (Wonder Woman)
Wonder Woman Activate
During the second full week in December, my expectations for myself were stupidly unrealistic. Not only did I have the usual Christmas preparations and home duties, but I started an online class! WHAT? “Wonder Woman Activate!” I would say to myself. “Wonder Woman Activate!” I pictured this tall, confident, strong woman with fists on hips seamlessly doing everything with a smile and wind blowing through her hair. Why did I take a fictional character and think I could be her?!
“Wonder Woman Activate! I can do this.” Then out of nowhere as I was looking outside for deep answers, a hawk landed on the back deck. Was this a sign? BARK! Bark, bark, bark! My dog saw the hawk… I snapped out of my dream. There I stood looking outside. My eyes stung. My arms crossed. And a golf ball-sized knot grew in the nook of my neck.
“Wonder Woman Active”, came out of my mouth like a broken record. My mantra did not work.
I found myself on my knees. My dog looked at me and knew what was ahead. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Interlacing my fingers I bowed my head, “Dear God. Help. Help me manage all this.” After a few minutes of “sob-fest”, I sat there looking outside. It felt good to take a breather. Real good. So I gave myself a time-out. My praying hands unfolded and went to the kitchen to get my hands busy. A deep breath filled my lungs as I closed my eyes to envision my ‘go-to’ recipe… Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Wonder Twins
As my hands got busy, my tangled world loosened up just enough to welcome in some wandering. A heaping cup of flour, a pinch of salt, and a few hardy shakes of cinnamon were ready to be mixed. The beaters spun. My brain zoned in on the mesmerizing hand mixer. The hum of the beaters, the swirl of the dough, and the smell of sweetness filled my senses. Then it was as if time clicked into slo-mo. Thunk-a, thunk-a, thunk-a. Each beater spun with poise. Each beater focused on the job. Together they mixed the ingredients with accuracy. I watched them work. Thunk-a, thunk-a, thunk-a. Wait for a second…I watched them work. All of a sudden I was back in the Hall of Justice! This time I wasn’t looking to utilize the powers of Wonder Woman, but of the Wonder TWINS!
My “Wonder Woman Activate” affirmation was wrong. I laughed out loud about my realization of my confusion. Let’s try this: “Wonder TWINS Activate!”
I quickly found a picture online of the Wonder Twins. Oh my gosh! Remember Gleek the monkey? Zan and Jayna’s purple bodysuits? Whoa…I have Jayna’s same haircut. Ba ha ha ha!
While cleaning the cookie dough bowl…with my finger…I still laughed about the superhero mix-up. As I detached the infamous dough-draped beaters my thoughts went back to my reality. What was I trying to prove with this juggling of hats? That I could do it all? That I could be that strong woman who holds everything together?
A pride blow to the gut
For one last lick, I swiped my finger in the umbrella of the beater. As I was enjoying the flavors I felt a brick hit my stomach, not because of the raw cookie dough, but because I understood my madness.
I was trying to achieve all these things to prove to myself and others that I could do it all. And do it…all…by…myself. Why?
It was at that moment I realized there was a little something telling me what to do…i. The very letter that is at the center of pride, anxiety, and exist! Pride was getting in my way. Anxiety was stealing my joy. To just ‘exist’ was sabotaging my goals. This letter I was holding me BACK!
It wasn’t the tasks I needed to manage; it was my motive that needed attention.
What did I do next? Five things that made a difference in pride and stress.
I asked God for clarity and perspective.
I found my Wonder Twin, my spouse. And called on him when needed. This wasn’t a competition.
Took things one small step at a time, step, by step, by step.
Made time to hang with my family and put aside the “I”.
Gave myself permission to take a time-out every once in a while and baked cookies.
All n All
For the remainder of the month, my Wonder Twin and I worked together.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work…” Ecclesiastes 4:9
That December taught me something unexpected; my real superpower came from putting the “I” aside.
The cookies I baked that day didn’t last long. I made another batch that coming weekend. Who knew cookie dough would be so powerful?
1cupKing Arthur's Gluten-Free Baking MixBaking mix. Use a heaping cup.
1/2 tspCinnamon
1/3cupEnjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips MiniThese are allergy-free, read package.
Preheat oven to 370. Tear a sheet of parchment paper and put it over the cookie sheet.
Add the coconut oil, brown sugar, and cane sugar to glass mixing bowl and mix with hand mixer until mixed together
Add egg, vanilla, and apple cider vinegar. Mix until together
In a separate bowl, add a heaping cup of King Arthur's Gluten-Free Baking Mix, salt, and cinnamon. Hand mix with a fork.
Gradually combine both bowls while mixing with the hand mixer. Mix until all together.
Fold in Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips Mini with a wooden spoon.
Scoop dollops of dough about the size of the wooden spoon and place on the cookie sheet. Allow 1-2 inches between dollops.
Place the cookie sheet in the oven and set the timer for 11 minutes.
While cookies are baking, clean-up the dishes. Please don't eat raw cookie dough due to the egg. We don't need tummy aches.
When cookies are done, slowly transfer them to a cooling rack if you have one. Otherwise, remove the cookies from the cookie sheet in a minute.
Calorie count is a guesstimate for one cookie when baked. It depends on the size of the cookie. Also the cost of the batch of cookies is also an estimate.
My favorite baking tools and ingredients
Here are some of the ingredients I use for my cookie recipe. Don’t forget to use a glass mixing bowl! Plastic bowls tend to add unwanted flavors to the cookie dough, plus there are chances of chemicals or plastic leaching into your delicious cookies. I use these, you can find them on Amazon.
Click the picture to head to Amazon.
Click on the picture to buy on Amazon.
Best allergen-free chocolate chips on the market! Get yours on Amazon.
Holiday eating is a bittersweet kind of thing. Let’s make the best of it with these 3 Holiday eating tips! First off, what is your approach to Holiday eating? Do you go in with an attitude of “It’s the Holidays I’m diving in!” or are you, “It’s the Holiday, time to deprive myself if I want to keep my figure.” Let me help you enjoy holiday eating without deprivation or gorge. Learn my three essential tactics to eliminate the haunt of guilt and enjoy all your holiday foods.
Is this your holiday eating?
You’re at a holiday party, you made a promise to yourself that you were NOT going to eat very much. You said, “I will not eat the spinach dip; it’s too high in calories.” But after a couple of drinks and peer pressure… come on, you know peer pressure still exists out of high school…temptation wins. However! You’re not headed for the spinach dip; instead, you are headfirst in the hot chicky dip. Before you know it you’re laying on your bed, bloated, asking yourself what just happened.
Friend, you were just deceived by hot chicky dip and you let the opponent kick a field goal. To make holiday eating work for you without depriving yourself of holiday goodness and traditions…not to mention less aggressive New Year Resolutions…you must have a strategy!
Holiday eating a game?
Think of holiday eating as a game. When preparing for any sporting event, yes I just called holiday eating a sporting event, there are a few things serious athletes do to strengthen their game.
1 – They study their opponent, learn its schemes, and beat it at its own game.
2 – They condition for the game. You can’t just run a marathon without training. If you did, you’d burn out a lot faster and have cramping, even injury.
3 – They have a plan, a strategy, to lead them to victory!
My food shame.
I remember one Christmas when I constantly ate. Seriously! I grazed all day long, so much so, that my Uncle said to me, “You’re still eating?” I looked at him as if I got busted with my hand in the cookie jar. Yep, it’s been almost 30 years since then and that comment apparently scarred me.
At the time of this event, I was overweight and stuffing my emotions, not a good time in my life. “If I just have one more handful of Chex Mix…the kind with peanuts and M&M’s…that should complete my feast.” Ha ha ha! I crack myself up like that’s going to happen. The tricky thing about holiday parties is that there is food lying around everywhere! Not just celery sticks and fruit kabobs, but hot chicky dip, Chex Mix, cookies, buckeyes, peanut brittle, and cocktail weenies! Temptation constantly surrounds our senses. What are we to do?
Holiday Eating Tips
#1: Study your opponent.
Your opponent in holiday eating isn’t the spread of delicious dishes. It’s your mind! Your opponent is how you think about food and how that thinking trumps your holiday goals. It’s that space between choice and outcome. Do you want to go into the holidays the same size you come out of it? Do you want to lose weight, gain weight, or just don’t give a rip about your weight? If you don’t care, okay. But if you do care, you will win this game and feel great physically and mentally!
First Advantage
You have a couple of advantages right from the start. The first is that you know your habits. You know what happens when you have a cocktail in your hand or when you get around certain people. Pay attention to what your other hand is doing…reaching for the 7-layer bars?
Second Advantage
The second advantage is that you know your weaknesses. When you walk into the kitchen and see the spinach dip, you know you’ll submit. Hence, spinach dip is your weakness. However, the trick is to weigh your choice. You know that spinach dip has cream cheese in it, a high-calorie ingredient; so you tell yourself you’re going to avoid the spinach dip tonight. So, what are you going to replace it with? You decide to choose the hot chicky dip, after all, you heard spicy foods help you lose weight. So you went to town on it. But wait! Unbeknown to you, hot chicky dip has cream cheese in it too. You just ate 10 times more calories eating hot chicky dip to fill the void of the spinach dip…you gained nothing but weight in that choice.
With this Holiday eating tip, you must know yourself, understand your triggers, and be prepared. Research healthy dips or other appetizers in advance of going to a holiday party. If any dip looks creamy it likely has cream cheese or sour cream in it. This isn’t just a great calorie indicator, but if you’re sensitive to dairy a party full of people isn’t the place to indulge…if you know what I mean.
No, no, no. I know what you’re thinking. You are not going to train as those competitive eaters do. This kind of training involves self-control and understanding what treats are good choices for your particular goal. I’m assuming you want to make smart choices that aren’t going to make you gain weight.
With that said, do not deprive yourself! The more you deprive, the more you will eat something else to fill that hankering. I talked about this in tactic #1. Make a promise to yourself that you will not overindulge. I didn’t say ‘not have any’, I said to not eat more than you should.
To answer that first question, my Holiday eating tips are to put a limit to only having three cracker-fulls of spinach dip. And to eat them SLOW! Enjoy the flavors, just don’t stuff it down. This tip is for those high-calorie apps. Limit the number you have then walk away.
Let me answer the second question for you. Is it worth having two? Five? Ten? NO! It’s not worth eating more. Save those extra calories for another glass of wine or some hot chicky dip. Think portion control.
For the third question, “How are you going to feel after you eat it?” That’s an easy question to answer if you have dietary restrictions. Are you going to feel guilty, defeated, or depressed? What about gassy, bloated, or rumbled with cramps? Again, if you were to ask me, it’s not worth any of those.
Tip #3: Have a plan.
Holiday eating tips #3 is about protein. You’ve probably heard that eating protein and drinking water before you go to a party helps you to not overeat at the gathering. Well, it’s true! Have a bottle of water while you’re getting dolled up. And before you head out the door roll up a few slices of turkey or eat some grilled chicken. Stick to protein. No carbs. You’ll get plenty of those at the party.
Holiday eating goodness.
Okay, that does it for going to a holiday party, but what if you don’t do parties and you just want to get through the holidays feeling great and staying healthy? Good question. This approach starts at least two weeks beforehand. If you can get more weeks under your belt it would be better.
To go with the ‘feeling great and staying healthy’ path, my #1 tip is to create a meal plan and stick to it. Know ahead of time what you’re going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And know what to snack on. Have those healthy snacks in the house so you don’t panic and eat anything you can find. I created a meal plan for you to get ideas off of. You can download it here.
You’ll notice my meal plan isn’t filled with carbs or dairy products, let alone sugar. It’s simple, filled with nutrients, and clean options. This will help rid your body of toxins and put your cravings in check. And always drink lots of water.
Holiday eating doesn’t need to be a curse or a five-pound tradition. By understanding yourself, using portion control, and having a plan you’ll experience a guilt-free holiday season that will catapult you into a fantastic start to the New Year! I hope these essential Holiday eating tips help you feel fantastic.
When you’re stressed out, what do you turn to relieve it? Allow me to open your mind to some different ideas that may be cheaper and more effective. I’ve got 13 natural stress relief products you’re going to want to check out.
What to look for in natural stress relief products
There are a lot of stress relief products out there… as there should be. Everyone is different in how they relieve stress. Sure you could pay big bucks for a prescription but it will probably give you all kinds of side effects. Who needs more problems? Let’s check out these natural stress relief products to see if one fits you!
What do I mean by “natural”?
What I mean by natural is non-medicated. And what I mean by non-medicated is simply nothing that is consumed into your body; this includes medication, anti-inflammatory pills, alcohol, drugs (of course), and food. Yep, “natural” doesn’t mean a pint of ice cream. When it comes to natural stress relief products, I’m talking about products that get your mind at ease simply by doing something.
13 Natural Stress Relief Products
1 – Epson Salts
Draw a tub with soothing Epson salts. Epson salts are inexpensive and can help your muscles relax in an easy way. Stress can cause all sorts of muscle issues and imbalances. End your day in a hot tub with a cup full of Epson salts. Permit your body to soak and to let the tension go. Epson salts can be found in most grocery stores and pharmacies. You can find scented salts with essential oils or non-scented. They run about $5 a bag.
Get it on Amazon!
2 – Massage Ball
As I said, stress can cause our muscles to tighten up, twist, and knot. With a little pressure pressed on those tight muscles or trigger points, you can get instant relief. A physical therapist can really get in there and relieve the tightness. But if you can’t get into the PT, try a massage ball. I absolutely love the massage ball I have and use it twice a day. You can get it for about $15 and it’s worth every penny! Note, a tennis ball is not the same.
3 – Music
Instrumental music is an extremely effective way to relax. Find a track, particularly instrumental music; whether it be piano, jazz, bluegrass, or acoustic guitar, find your stress relief jam and keep it handy! When I personally get stressed I turn to Soaking in His Presence by William Augusto. He does such a great job of putting me in the right frame of mind. This music is also amazing to pray with.
4 – Boxing bag
Get some aggression out and throw some punches at a boxing bag. It not only relieves stress, but it gives you a workout at the same time. Boxing improves strength, improves your balance and stability, and helps you build endurance. Heck, you might even lose weight! Check out your neighborhood sales or Marketplace for deals. Amazon has boxing stands for under $60 or you can go with the classic boxing bag or a speed bag. Lots of options! Don’t forget the gloves.
Along with boxing, any general exercise could be your go-to for reducing stress. There’s nothing like a good run or long bike ride. Get your heart pumping and mind clear with at least 30 minutes of exercise. To make your run more enjoyable, be sure to have the proper running shoes based on your feet. As for the long bike ride, invest in some biking shorts and reflective gear.
5 – Scents
The essential oil craze is still going on. Scents take a direct route to the brain. It’s pretty awesome how the smell of something can have such a powerful effect on your mood, memory, and mental health. Just think about the smell of garlic bread, or banana bread for that matter. What about lilacs or roses? Fresh-cut grass, campfires, or burning autumn leaves anyone? Use that nose to help you experience happiness and calm.
6 – Heavy blanket
The weighted blanket does wonders for a lot of people. There is something about the weight of a heavy blanket that gives a sense of security and safety. Heavy blankets are known to reduce anxiety. However, it’s not for everyone. I tried a weighted blanket and it was personally too heavy for me. A folded quilt is my absolute favorite blanket to sleep or nap with. Before you head out and spend $25+ on a weighted blanket, use what you have in the house, if it’s not heavy enough then start shopping for deals.
7 – Art project
Get your hands busy and your creative juices flowing. Whether it’s coloring, woodworking, or gardening, get your mind focusing on something else. Being creative is an excellent outlet for reducing stress naturally. You could even grab a notebook and start doodling! Essentially find a hobby that you can go to when you feel stress coming on.
8 – Plants
Having something to take care of gives us a sense of purpose and peace, I’m talking about a houseplant. Green plants are soothing to the eye. Plants promote peace, and healing, and they help you focus. Gardening is a big bonus when it comes to reducing stress, especially if you can see it from your house window. Don’t have space for a garden? No problem. There are numerous planter boxes designed for small spaces for under $13.
9 – Journal
Writing your frustrations down helps you release them from your mind. Stop letting your mind mess with you, get it down on paper instead. There are times when we need to vent. Save your friend’s ear and vent onto paper. Journaling also helps you from saying something stupid if you’re venting. When you have it all written out, pray over it, then destroy it. Give it all to God. Lament if you will. He will hear your cry for help. And His hand is ready to grab yours.
On that note, you can also use your journal as a prayer resource.
10 – Routine
What is one thing that helps reduce anxiety in kids? A routine. Structure is important for human mental health. Having a routine helps us to prepare mentally for what is coming next. It also gives us a sense of control. Plus you feel more productive when you can carry out your routine daily. Did I mention more organized? Use a daily planner to help keep your routine in shape.
11 – Printable Wall Art
Who doesn’t need daily inspiration? Simply looking at encouraging and inspiring artwork or words can do wonders to naturally reduce stress. Looking at affirmations to speak goodness into your heart builds self-esteem. Reading Biblical truth that is on your wall emits power in your home. Looking at a beautiful piece of art helps you to escape reality for just a minute.
12 – Finance Journal Step-by-Step Guide
Managing money is the top stress trigger. We all face it at some point in our lives, everyone has a season. Everyone. Using a budget is by far the best way to understand your money management situation. We’re all adults and we need to take responsibility for our lives and for our future for that matter. Have a plan. Download a finance journal form and fill in it. This is a small action that has huge benefits. When you understand what’s going out and what’s coming in, you can then be at rest and start to plan how to move forward.
13 – Diet
What I’m talking about is sugar. Sugar was my number one weakness, and I was stressed…not to mention overweight. Sugar causes all sorts of issues in our bodies: diabetes, weight gain, stress, tooth decay, yo-yo energy levels, it slows growth, can cause skin issues, digestive distress, and inflammation to name a few! Like any drug, sugar can be addicting.
Other addicting additives include MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup. In the long run of consuming these substances, our bodies get tired of trying to process them and we gain weight. On top of the weight gain, we also carry around inflammation which could lead to disease down the road. Take it from someone who has been there and done that. It’s just not worth the 5 seconds of tasting good.
When I adjusted my intake of the sweet stuff I finally understood the ‘less is more’ philosophy. My taste buds became more content with fewer sweets and my body was happier a.k.a. less inflammation and less stress! This is a super cost-effective way to reduce stress and lose weight. Choose water to drink, check the label on products, and look for high fructose corn syrup, msg, and sugar. Simply pay attention to what you’re consuming.
I hope that when you feel stress coming on first try a natural approach. Experiment with one of the tactics I mention and find what natural stress relief products work for who you are. Do yourself a favor and take care of your mind and body in a natural way. You will have more control and a sense of peace knowing that you’re not dependent on medication, drugs, or food.
*This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician before jumping into new things. This article is for information purposes only.
Before you go, check out these other great posts about stress relief:
How to navigate life with the cards we’re dealt can be challenging, finding grace in it all may sound nuts. Yet, grace is a big player when it comes to winning. No matter what the situation is, we will get through it if we believe we can. I try to remind myself of that every time a ‘crisis’ rises. But why are we so hard on ourselves when trials surface? Check out these three tricks to playing our cards.
The Hand We’re Dealt: to fold or play?
A few years ago I was talking with my husband about my physical ailments. You see as a kid, my deep desire was to achieve optimal health. I exercised, I ate well, and I wanted to run a marathon. Then the disease kicked in. As a kid I got sick numerous times a year, as a young adult I fracture my hip which has left me ‘run-less’, and later in life, my immune system attacked my digestive health; among other unforeseen troubles, my dream was turning into dust or was it?
As I was going through my list of hurts, my husband said something I’ve heard many times but for some reason, it struck a chord in me that day. He said, “You gotta play the cards you’re dealt.” It was a way of reminding me that I’m not in control, yet to trust the One who is; and that I have a choice to fold my cards or to keep on playing them.
Right now in this post, I’m probably supposed to tell you to not “fold your hand”; but it’s in the folding of our hands where we learn how to play. When we ask God for help in our hardships, He helps us find the right path to run down…if we’re willing to step in that direction. So yes, fold when you have to, not to get out of the game, but to study the game and learn a better strategy.
First: Be good to yourself
Part of the reason challenges are challenges is because we are experiencing uncharted territory in our lives. If we knew how to do EVERYTHING we would have no stress, there would be little pain, and there would be zero challenges. Sounds like a boring life. Problems in life or challenges are a good thing if you look at them with a teaching spirit. Playing the cards we’re dealt involves us looking at life with fresh eyes…our eyes, not the world’s, nor the eyes of your close friends, but our eyes. the eyes God gave us.
Comparing, perfectionism and impatience can throw us way off track. Anger comes to play, then before you know it we blow up we lose sight of how to get through it. God put us on this planet to teach us, to love us, and to get us ready for eternity. One of the ways He demonstrates His confidence in us is through grace. Finding grace may just be what we need to fully see with our eyes the core of our being and to know how to move forward.
What needs to happen: finding grace
There are times when we need to be our own advocates. When it came to my health, our only vessel that gets us around on this planet, I made it my mission to get healthy. With this quest, I tried a lot of things and failed, yet I learned. Today, I’m not where I want to be but I’m not giving up. This is where grace gets dealt into the game. When we’re in a swirl of emotions and super hard on ourselves, it’s critical to get some space to find grace. And it’s there in which all becomes clearer and we get wiser with our decisions.
What ‘grace’ am I talking about? The grace of civility towards ourselves; when we’re going through a rough season, remember to love yourself, not to punish or blame yourself. Be good to yourself, respect your well-being, and understand where you are and where you want to go; because it’s in those moments of grace, where the untangling begins, and where we see what cards to play next. Simply talking to yourself kindly, getting creative, treating yourself to a hobby, taking care of your body, mind, and spirit, and reducing stress will help you experience grace in such a good way.
Secondly: Get in the right mindsetin finding grace
One late August I rediscovered how to wrap myself with a little grace. To transition from a busy summer to the starting of the school year, my family and I went camping. We hooked up the RV (don’t judge me, we got our tent badge years ago) and settled in a wooded campsite. Faint smells of last night’s campfires drifted under my nose, and the quaking leaves and distance boat motors rested on my shoulders. And the canopy of trees comforted my busy head. That weekend I made it a point to go for a walk at least twice a day, not for exercise, but for rest.
As I walked through the sun-beamed shadows my mind went back to my roots. As a child, I played in the woods for hours on end. My imagination soared between the branches. And my energy and creativity flowed with every step I took. It was there where I felt like I could accomplish anything, where I felt strong and confident, and where I felt healthy. And here I was once again in the mindset I needed to continue to take on.
My childhood goal for optimum health gave me a run for my money. My body has confused me over and over; funny how that works. If God wants me to have good health, He’s not going to give it to me on a silver platter. He knows I’m smart. He knows that if I want it bad enough, I’m going to use the abilities He gave me to figure it out. A challenge indeed, but also a way to build character. There must be something He wants me to learn in all this.
With that said, when I face a new challenge with my health, I head to the woods and fold my hands. I can’t stress enough how many times I’ve heard Him speak and direct my path of who I need to talk to next, what to try, or even getting a last-minute appointment. It’s been in my special sanctuary where I get instructions on what cards to play next.
God puts our special place of refuge in each of our hearts. My special place is in the outdoors, walking down a lined path of trees. Yours may be the beach, the mountains, the lake, the prairie, the park, the farm, or the river. Think of where you feel your best in nature, then go there for a dose of grace. You just may find your card strategy in reaching your goals and get a rekindle under your feet.
All in all
The grace you give yourself is what will help you have a winning hand no matter what cards you hold. Don’t underestimate yourself, you have gears you’re not even aware of. Just remember that whatever you’re facing it’s important in finding grace to be good to yourself, Get in the right mindset and have a place of refuge. Most of the time, you just need to look at the cards differently and be creative. All in all, finding grace is all you need to succeed.