The first step to losing weight isn’t cutting back on calories, it’s much simpler than that. To be successful with weight loss and the management thereafter, it’s going to take a pencil and paper. There’s more to weight loss than weight. That’s why the first step in losing weight should be to answer some questions. Clarity gives you a pathway. This can seriously be a total game-changer for your weight loss progress!

Where I came from
In 1992 I was 20 pounds overweight. I know this was a long time ago, but that’s important to know. Listen up, I wanted to lose weight, but all the things I was trying to drop the pounds weren’t working. It was like walking up a sand dune; every step seemed so hard and it barely felt like I was going anywhere! Then something clicked and changed my weight destiny into a reality. When I took this first step in losing weight, the weight came off easily.
My weight story is an interesting one. At that time I was a freshman at a small college. As months ticked by in this new setting, the weight inched on. However, I noticed that sitting and studying weren’t the cause of my weight gain, it was actually depression! I’m not saying that all weight gain is due to depression, but this was my story. I was living in a toxic environment where judgment after judgment was passed on me and others. As if high school was bad enough, this was worse! Something had to change. I wanted to be happy, to find myself, to be free.

My ‘ah-ha’ moment came when my roommates and I were watching TV in the common area. We happened to be watching an Indiana University basketball game. One of my roommates said something that stirred my inner core. She said, “I’d love to go to Indiana.” I looked at her as she watched the game and asked, “Why don’t you?” She responded, “Because I don’t know anyone.”
Her answer struck a chord in me. You’re letting the fear of not knowing anyone, stop you? It was as if I was asking myself that question. As I watched the game and the exciting fans…I began to want to be a part of that picture. I wanted a large university experience.

Be true to yourself
What does this have to do with the first step in losing weight? I’m getting there. In the fall of ’93, I was officially an Indiana University student. I was in a new setting, with new people, and new goals. I faced fear and made things happen, not knowing what would happen.
Within six months, I lost 20 pounds and then some; all because I looked at my thought process first. On the surface, I wanted to lose weight, but deep down I wanted to explore who I was and be true to myself. When I understood my motives, the weight naturally came off.
Are you asking yourself the right question/s before you start your weight loss plan? Do you have a picture of what you want to be a part of?
This is the first step to losing weight:
This leads me to the core: it’s not what we’re eating or doing, it’s what we’re thinking. It’s not the weight on our bodies that gives us frustration; it’s the weight we carry around in our minds that trips us up.
First off, I’m not going to tell you how to lose weight; you’re going to do that. Why? Because I want YOU to see results in more areas than one. I want you to live in harmony with your body, mind, and heart for the rest of your life…not just during swimsuit season. And only YOU can make that happen, not someone telling you what to do.

5 Questions You’ll Want to Answer.
1: What is your WHY?
Why do you want to lose weight? I’m not talking about surface answers here. Peel that off, look under that. WHY? Write this down in a journal.
2: What are you WRESTLING with?
What’s blocking you from making this happen? What are you carrying around with you? Stress? A belief? Fear? Identity crisis? Loneliness?
3: What is your WAY?
In other words, what method works for YOU to reach your weight goals? What are you going to do EACH WEEK to make this happen?
4: What will you WIN?
By reaching your goal, what is it going to do for you? Freedom? Confidence? More energy? More outgoing? Motivation? Purpose?
5: What is it WORTH?
What are you going to gain? Can you visualize how you’re going to feel and what kind of freedom you’re going to experience?
Wrapping up the first step to losing weight
I’m happy to say I’ve kept the weight off ever since my Indiana days; even after having a baby and going through steroid treatment for an ailment. I have managed the weight; not the other way around. There is no better feeling than saying, “I finally figured it out.” To learn more about my weight loss strategies, check out my eBook: Simple Happy Wellness Strategies.
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By CT Copyright © 2021 Simplify Firefly, All Rights Reserved. Updated 2025