The words ‘smile’ and ‘weight loss’ typically don’t go hand in hand when we are trying to lose weight. Let’s face it, diet, self-care, and wellness can be a challenge, no, it is a challenge. Then when you realize you need to help your child lose weight…oh brother. It’s okay, I get it. Why not make it fun? Seriously, this IS possible! I’ve got three ways to get your bodies (and minds) to feel and look better!

Weight Facts
Child obesity affects 1 in 5 children in the US. This means that children who are overweight now will likely be overweight when they are adults. This excess weight can not only increase the risk for them getting type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease but their mental health and self-esteem may be altered. Also, being overweight can get to be very expensive! Not just in food and clothes, but with medical bills. We all want our children to live a life full of opportunity and blessing. To give your child a head start in life start with them knowing how to take care of themselves. This is so super important, because without their health, what do they have?

The problem with child weight loss
One of the biggest issues with weight loss is that children don’t understand health all that well. They are either going to watch you or other influences to get their knowledge. Since you are their biggest influence, you can help them make the right choices and for them to have fun while doing it.
When to start?
There is no better time than right now to get started on helping your child lose weight. “But I was going to wait until New Years’?” WHY? This is what gets us in trouble, procrastination. If you wait, you’re just going to make it harder on everyone. Go about this with a gradual approach. Help your kids make the right choices with their time and dinner plates now.

3 Fun & Simple Ways to Help Your Child Lose Weight
1. Let them see you.
One way to make diet, self-care, and wellness fun is for your kids to see you doing it with a smile on your face, in fact, this is probably the most effective way to teach your kiddos that taking care of yourself is actually a good thing. If they see you doing it, and that you’re committed to it and enjoying it, they’re likely going to start doing it too! Remember kids see and hear EVERYTHING! When you’re done exercising say things like, “Man, that felt great!”, “I feel so good!”, “I’m getting stronger, check this out!” (then flex your bicep or something).
2. Do it with them.
Another way to help your child lose weight and make it fun is for you to do it with them. As we know, when it comes to the couch, the snacks come too; which eventually leads to a fully loaded butt or gut for that matter. Make a family promise to each other that together we can be healthier and stronger! Then brainstorm together how you’re going to make this happen. This is also great because you’ll have each other to hold accountable. This approach can not only teach your kids about exercise and cooking but about love for themselves, it helps them learn more about themselves.
3. Make it a game.
Why not make it a game? I have a free download for you! Making anything a game for a child is way more fun than being Mr. Serious. I personally enjoy the game of Bingo. Just anticipating seeing the full line of tiddlywinks in a complete row is motivating! With Bingo Bites you win not by chance, but by choice! There are three versions: Bingo Bites Junior, Bingo Bites for 4 – 8-year-olds, and Bingo Bites for 9 -13-year-olds. These games focus on choices that, all-in-all, make a difference in their weight loss. You can download it in my Freebies.

Bingo Bites Junior comes with three cards: one card for diet, one for self-care, and one for wellness. Each card has colorful pictures and, of course, a free space! These are to be used on a daily basis until your kid gets into a habit of making the right choices in eating, grooming, and giving themselves some love. Honestly, any age can benefit from Bingo Bites Junior.
Bingo Bites for 4 – 8 is more complex than Bingo Bites Junior. This is one big card that covers a lot of ground! Instead of choosing what card to do, use this card to cover all territory. Bingo Bites covers all the food groups, water, exercise, manners, outside time, and reading. If you’re looking for a little help to motivate your kids, use a bingo marker they like; for instance, candy, coins, or tiddlywinks with a prize (like a soda or playing time on Xbox). BINGO!
The Bingo Bites for 9 -14 is the same except for the quantity of food and manners.
To download Bingo Bites Junior or Bingo Bites for specific ages simply go to my freebies and you’ll find it there. Remember, your first step in getting your family healthy is to take the first step.

Wrapping up how to help your child lose weight
One last thing! I know rewards are super important for a child. Typically we reward with food, candy, or ice cream. I get it, I do it too! All I’m saying is to change it up once in a while. Changing up the prize from a donut to a game of Crossy Roads or some other video game with mom, helps the child appreciate each prize a little bit more. Also, check out my eBook for more tips and strategies that work! Simple Happy Wellness Strategies. $75 value, yours for $5.99!
Before you go, check out these other great posts:
4 Amazing Tips for Weight Loss
Chronically sick? Choose the right water filter
How to Help Your Digestive System: 10 Triggers to Watch For
3 Essential Tactics for Holiday Eating
13 Natural Stress Relief Products for Anyone!
Food Combining Does What? Manage Stomach Acid Now!
First Step to Losing Weight: 5 Effective Questions

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