Learn How to Relax: 5 Essential Must-Have Tips

Learn How to Relax: 5 Essential Must-Have Tips

When it comes to learning how to relax there are a few things one must do to achieve a peaceful relaxed state. If there is one thing that can mess with our minds when we’re trying to relax it’s guilt. To feel guilty because we are taking a break can ruin our efforts to relax. Why? Because “busy” is the norm in this day and age. “Busy” is acceptable and at times “busy” is how we measure our days. Let’s permit our mind and body to let go and loosen the tension.

how to relax

What does busy mean anyway?

Why would we need a definition of busy? Because it helps us understand if we really are busy. Merriam-Webster Dictionary says ‘busy’ is: engaged in action, occupied. My definition of ‘busy’ is this: ‘Busy’ is yearning to do things you want to do without having the time to do them. The difference between the two definitions is this: when I’m ‘engaged in action’ with an activity I want to do, I’m not ‘busy’, but when I want to do something I can’t because of running errands, etc, then I am ‘busy’. You might need to read that again to let it sink in. Where do you lay right now with ‘busy’?

How to relax?

How do we relax so we have the freedom to work on the things that bring purpose into our lives? Or on the flip-side, how do we not think about anything and just be?

Men are pretty good at being able to turn their minds off. My husband and I will be having coffee, talking right along then five minutes of silence go by. I ask my husband what he’s thinking; and he says, “Nothing”. Seriously? Mark Gungor, author, and motivational speaker has an excellent and hilarious way of describing the differences between men’s and women’s minds. For instance, men have this thing called the ‘Nothing Box’. I mean, what the heck is that? You can watch it here; so funny yet true.

5 essential tips for us ladies to learn how to relax

But how do we ladies go about finding relaxation when so much pressure is put on us daily and even socially?

1. Change environments

Escape from the environment that is causing you to constantly think of your to-do list or the problem you’re facing. For instance, I need to step away from the house. Because I’m a stay-at-home mom I live in my work. So when I’m at my house it’s natural for me to always have a project. For short-term results, I’ll go to my favorite store and wonder. I didn’t say buy stuff, just window shop. For long-term effects, we get out of town; and for my family that means camping.

If you’re stuck inside there are a few things you can do to escape. You can find a space that is only yours; a closet works, the laundry room, even a corner space that says you. Make this space a place for your soul to regenerate. Get some amazing wall art and lose yourself in the picture, find inspirational quotes or scripture and post them on the wall, decorate with string lights, put splashes of your favorite colors throughout, and be sure to have something cozy. Make this a space you can’t wait to escape to.

2. Write things out, this is how.

Writing all the crud or to-do list down on paper can lessen the power it has in your mind. When it’s on paper, it makes something that was a big deal in our minds, easier to digest. We, humans, tend to let our minds get away from us. I enjoy taking a clean sheet of copy paper, grabbing a pencil, and drawing a circle. From the circle, I create branches of all the things I’m thinking about, then I break those branches into smaller doable bites. A journal works too.

Speaking of journaling. Writing freely helps too. Ask yourself thought-provoking questions that can get to the meat of the busyness.

Proverbs 31:25
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3. Converse with God

Talking with God helps to release the chains and give them to Him. Did you catch what I said? “Talking with God, not at Him or to Him, but with, like a friend talks with a friend. He wants a relationship with you, he wants to hear your side of the story, and he wants to help you. All you need to do is talk with Him.

For instance, I escape to my favorite walking place and pray while I’m walking. For me, hearing my voice speak rather than trying to sort it all out in my mind helps me focus on the conversation. Then I stop talking and just listen; this gives me a breather and a chance for God to breathe into me.  I enjoy Jesus Calling as a nice devotional to help hear His voice.  

4. Watch a good show, read a book, or listen to instrumental music

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When we are entertained it gives us time to relax and just be. It’s a chance we get to wander out of our reality and into a story. Whether it’s a good movie or book, get the comfy clothes on and kindly alert the family to not interrupt your time.

Here’s a tip, be picky of what you put in your brain. If you’re looking to just feel good and float on a cloud, don’t choose The Silence of the Lambs; maybe try La La Land, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, or Steel Magnolias. Ask yourself what you want to get out of a show before you start channel-flipping. And yes, it’s true, what you put in your mind affects how you think, and how you think affects how you act. Be careful of what you put in your mind, you could be inviting darkness in.

Instrumental music is an extremely effective way to relax. Find a track you enjoy. When I get stressed I turn to Soaking in His Presence by William Augusto. He does a great job of putting me in the right frame of mind. This music is also amazing to pray with. Love it!

5. Create

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Creativity gets your mind off the stress and into a relaxed state of being. Entrepreneur.com has a great article on the benefits of putting our creativity to use. There are scientific studies on how it can reduce stress. Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, says that when you “lose yourself” in the composition of a song (creating)…, you are essentially entering a healthy flow state. No wonder I feel so great after I create something. Try experimenting in the kitchen, rearrange your furniture, color, sew a baby quilt, and create a playlist…we all have creative abilities. Tap into your creativity and make it a hobby.

In conclusion

There are other obvious tips to relax like taking a hot bath, getting a massage, taking your time in sipping a fancy coffee, or watching the birds, my last bonus tip is to set boundaries for yourself and those around you. Don’t let others steal your relax time, protect it with all your might. If you’re at the coffee shop and there is an annoying person by you, get up and move.

I challenge you to tap into at least two of the above suggestions this week to relax. Ask yourself what do I need to let go of to give myself the time I need. Know how to slow down and be less busy so you can be your best!

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By CT Copyright © 2019 More Than Existence, All Rights Reserved.

9 Easy Ways to Learn More About Yourself

9 Easy Ways to Learn More About Yourself

God created us each uniquely. Navigating away from the world’s pressures and into His kingdom is a journey, but it’s in God’s hands that we learn more about who we are. Learning more about yourself is kind of like a treasure hunt. There’s a moment of “Wow, I never knew that about myself!” and a God moment happening at the same time. Knowing yourself better brings you more joy. It also presents clarity in the way that leads to life.

woman sitting on dock thinking

There are times in life when we don’t feel like we’re doing anything; we’re just going through the motions to get through the day. The tug-a-war happens when we want more out of life; we want to make a difference in society, and we want a fulfilling life but we don’t know how to go about that because we’re stuck in a cycle of worldly pressures. How can we break away? We do that by understanding who we are.

Do More Than Exist

Do more than exist (DMTE). Those four words are pretty powerful and say a lot! In the past, I overthought what the meaning of Do More Than Exist stands for. For instance; getting off the couch, starting a business, getting healthy, raising a family, volunteering, running a marathon, going on a mission trip, contributing to a global cause, or expressing your artistic ability. You could say we all have our own unique meaning behind those four simple words. And we all have a fingerprint that is critical to our success. Yet do more than exist is about one thing: love. One way to love God back is to learn more about who He created you to be.

do more than exist mug

Do More Than Exist coffee mug here.

Discovering Who We Are


Discovering oneself is a journey.  We may go down many paths to look for opportunities, to look for clues of who we are, yet find nothing. I remember way too many rabbit trails I followed, only to find disappointment. “WHO AM I?” I would yell in my mind. Tears streamed down my face out of frustration. I so badly wanted to know what God made me to do on this planet. I was overthinking.

In my worry, I missed something very valuable. I was so focused on a map that I forgot to look between the paths. Following or trying to follow everyone else made me feel like a failure. I didn’t fit in and thought something was wrong with me! It took me a long while to learn that what worked for someone, didn’t work for my individuality. Let me save you some tissue, the trap of comparison will throw your compass off and you’ll just keep going around in circles if you don’t do something about it.

With that said, let me tell you that your path in life isn’t going to be one path, rarely does that happen. If we want a fulfilled life we’re going to have to adapt to the seasons we’re given in life. When we have children, be a mom. When we have to bring the bacon home, and so forth. It’s okay if we don’t feel purposeful at the moment. But I do ask you this: always learn who you are in the role you play, you will then have a clearer picture of the path you want to take.

9 Easy Ways to Live Beyond our Existence

Taking the time to explore our hearts to understand what we like and dislike is extremely important for our overall happiness. Our hearts shape our lives and our values affect our choices. When our values align with our decisions, something magical happens…a smile on our faces. If you want to learn more about personal values, you can check out my freebie here.

be fearless in who you are

Learn more about yourself

1)      Help others.

If you see someone in need, help them! Hold the door, pick up something they dropped, simply do what unto others as you would do unto you. It’s crazy how simple yet complicated with can make life. A happy life isn’t rocket science; get to know your heart and do something.

2)      Spend some time alone.

I like to go for walks outdoors on a trail in a park. Spending time alone at home with a fun project or your hobby is also a great way to have fun with yourself. I have even gone to the movies solo. There is something about taking a time-out for yourself without having to worry about a kid or dog, or spouse for that matter. It’s just you. Enjoy the silence and have fun spending time with yourself.

3)      Journal.

Writing down your thoughts, prayers, and frustrations helps you understand what’s going on in your heart. Over the years I found the tone in my journaling started out pretty rough. I was swearing, mad, and confused about what was going on in my life and relationships. Rarely did I find a positive entry. But that is what journaling is for, an outlet, a venting passage. It’s to give our thoughts permission to leave our minds so we don’t have to think about it anymore...it’s documented on paper so I can now let it go.

On the flip side, journaling is also there to be creative, to document life, and to tell yourself good things. As I grew older I found my journal entries to be much more positive and creative. My journal entries turned into prayers and things I learned. As I flip through the pages it’s gratifying to see how far you’ve come. And to see what seemed like a big deal then is not so now.

set yourself free

What else?

4)      Engage in an activity you normally wouldn’t do.

Push your homebody aside and step out of your comfort zone for just a little bit. Challenge your limits, physically and mentally. Build your confidence! This may sound silly but I recently went to an estate sale. I did raise my card at one point. Scary! Going to an estate sale might not sound like a big deal to you, but it was something completely out of my normal routine. This is a very small idea of what you can do.

5)      Clean out your stuff.

Clutter is toxic. Sifting through your stuff and giving it a good organization will do your mind good. You’ll learn all about yourself and what stuff you like to keep. Maybe you’ll even understand why you want to keep it or give it to someone else. Be sure to check out my post on 5 ways to know how to simplify your stuff. Take a look at your stuff and ask yourself, what does that say about you? At the auction I went to, I learned A LOT about the people who were selling it. So what are you saying to the world with your stuff?

6)      Write down what you want to leave behind.

I’m not talking about stuff. What kind of legacy do you want to leave? What do you want to be remembered for? And how can you start doing that today?

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Lastly, get busy

7)      Volunteer.

Choose an activity at your church or community center and volunteer to help out. This too can be scary. We don’t have much time, especially since we have little ones, so bring them along. It not only helps you feel good about yourself contributing to society, but it shows your kids how to do it. Again you’ll learn about your attitude and capabilities simply by lending a hand. Check this post out on knowing how to start volunteering.

8)      Get your body in check.

Stress is a major cause of health issues from muscle imbalances, digestive issues, and heartburn, to even autoimmune disease and who knows what more; stress can physically kill. It’s important to take care of your body, mind, and spirit for your life and your choices depend on it. The way you feel affects your decisions. And your decisions affect your path.

Alan Kulwicki quote Always have a next great goal

9)      Do something creative.

Draw, doddle, sew, design your own landscaping or garden, make your own cookie recipe or stir-fry dish, arrange flowers, move your furniture around, or mow your lawn in a different pattern. Get those juices flowing and see what you create!

Wrapping up

By engaging in these activities you will have a better idea of who you are and who you want to become. I suggest starting small. Maybe try one of the nine exploring ways every few days or on the weekends….except for the body one, which should be done every day (wink). When we get to know ourselves better, our path in life becomes clearer and more fulfilling. It’s funny how this simple exercise can give you a wealthier life.

Before you go check out these other great posts:

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By CT Copyright © 2022 Do More Than Exist. All Rights Reserved.

3 Problem Solving Strategies People Often Forget

3 Problem Solving Strategies People Often Forget

Problems are going to happen, be ready for the next one by learning these three problem solving strategies people often forget! In life, we are going to be dealt some hands we may not be able to control, but we can adjust how we react to it. Let me share a personal story with you before we get to the 3 problem solving strategies.

3 Problem Solving Strategies

Years ago, I went sailing in a Butterfly sailboat. This sailing trip wasn’t just for leisure but for clarity in life and direction. Engaging in the outdoors helps me put things in perspective and take a step back to look at the picture I’m in. This particular solo sail was different than my previous marine quests. It was in the fall, in beautiful Michigan. Gray skies, inconsistent wind, and cool temperatures circled me, but I went anyway.

My husband was working on his computer while I ventured out on the water. As I left I said, “Honey, please keep an eye on me. If I tip over, I might need your help,” He replied back with, “Yeah, no problem. Have fun.”

Off I went. The wind pressed my face. The sound of the wake soothed my spirit. This is just what I needed, then WHOOSH! A gust of wind caught the sail. I quickly loosened my grip on the rope. My skin prickled as I stood vertical for a few seconds; then the boat crashed back down where I almost tipped over backward! “That was a close one,” I said out loud. I continued to get random gusts. My grip on the rope ached.

I can't change the wind, but I can adjust the sails to reach my destinations. Jimmy Dean
This is the actual sailboat I was on.

Circumstance defined

A circumstance is a condition that accompanies a fact or an event. We all face circumstances (a.k.a. problems) in life. And we all are challenged by how we react to them. We can throw a fit, fight it, or blame everyone…but ourselves; however, our other choice is to tighten our belt, accept the challenge, and work through it.

In Psalm 16:8 David says this about circumstance, “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (NIV) If only I had practiced this throughout my life. I’ve been through many problems where I threw fits and blamed others…not proud moments of mine. But when I give the problem to God for him to figure it out, the circumstance isn’t as big as I make it anymore.

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When the wind blows

With the wind howling and my grip weakening, I started to head back to shore. WHOOSH! The boom shot out! The rope burned my palms. I couldn’t control it. “Oh crap!” Into the water, I went.

After fully realizing what just happened, and seeing that the wind was pushing the tipped-over boat. I looked to the shore for my husband. Eck-em’…I looked to the shore for my husband. Hmm. Husband?

“Okay, I can do this,” I coached.

christy troy quote

With all my might, I shimmied up the daggerboard with my lifejacket on…this is a lot harder than it seems. From past experiences, I knew I had to stand on the board and lean back to get the sail out of the water. The only problem was that I was by myself and was worried the wind would grab hold of the sail and the boat would take off. As soon as the boat flipped upright, I clinched the edge. Sure enough, the wind got a hold of the sail and I quickly got my body back in the middle of the boat. I took hold of the rudder and carefully managed the sail, but the wind gusts yelled at me. This was a bad idea.

My mind raced. I was about 150 yards from the dock. Whitecaps were forming. Darker clouds were approaching. And there was no way I could sail without tipping again. I looked to the shore for my husband. Hmm. Where was he?

“Oh help me God,” I prayed.

Then I got an idea, take the sail down and swim back.

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3 powerful problem solving strategies people often forget

1. Discern.

How is this making me feel? Who is this affecting besides me? What values do I have that are above this circumstance? What can I learn from this? How can I solve this puzzle of a problem? What are my options?

2. Discipline.

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) Discipline isn’t a bad word, it helps direct us. We have the power to discipline ourselves. We can discipline our tongues, actions, and even thoughts. To help us, we can feed on goodness…good music, positive movies, healthy conversations, healthy clean food, and the words and stories of the Bible. Even just a little bit can make a big impact.

3. Do.

We pray and ask for help while we try everything in our power to manage the circumstances. We give it all to God and let God be who He is, our Savior. Have you heard, “If we do our part, then He will do His”? Do what you can to move forward while praying for Him to do His work in you.

“You can’t be a prisoner of your circumstances.”

Joyce Meyer

managing a circumstance is being able to know when to stop fighting it and when to give it to God

Wrapping problem solving strategies up

I swam the boat back to the dock that day. I faced my problem; in fact, I jumped right into it. It was humbling, cold, and hard, but I used what God gave me and saw Him help me through it.

This sailboat experience is just a small physical example of how we cannot control all the problems that happen to us. I know my sailing event doesn’t compare to unemployment, infertility, sickness, loss, expenses, and broken relationships…or does it?

What is one small step you can do to help manage a problem you’re facing now?

Be sure to check out my other posts to keep moving forward.

3 Simple Anger Management Tips- Lion into Lamb

How to Have a Happy Family: 3 Revolutionary Steps

Finding Grace in the Cards We’re Dealt – 3 Tricks

Do More Than Exist Stay Connected

By CT Copyright © 2017 More Than Existence All Rights Reserved.

Benefits of a Garden: One Huge Reason to Take Up Gardening

Benefits of a Garden: One Huge Reason to Take Up Gardening

The benefits of a garden are more than growing pretty flowers and organic vegetables. A garden serves many purposes, but on this particular day, it served a HUGE purpose I didn’t see coming. Walk with me into my garden, this just may be the best-kept secret to peace, gratification, and an anxiety antidote.

benefits of a garden

The garden draw

There is something about flowers and vegetables growing in your very own garden. The benefits of a garden beam from our yards with vivid colors and luscious greens. The garden is so soothing to the eye, it draws me to be a part of that picture. If my garden looks peaceful, maybe if I go to it, then I will become peaceful?

Let me ask you this: where do you go when your heart is a mess? I hope that place is a haven for you and not somewhere toxic. Our hearts need tenderness and embrace. Whether that be a cozy corner in your home, a decorative closet, or the bathtub for a long soak. Depending on the season, my safe place is my garden.

In 2018 I found myself walking to my garden, but I didn’t go there to do my normal tending of it. I went there to sit in the dirt. I had a troubled heart and felt like dirt, so why not sit in it too? That was my attitude. If you don’t have a garden, don’t think this post isn’t for you. Each and every one of us has and needs a ‘garden’ for gardening, maybe for the sole purpose of why I needed it on this particular day.

seeds you plant

Dirt meets dirt

I was completely dumbfounded by how I got myself in this state. Do you remember as a kid when you got in trouble with your parents…the flush of prickly heat bursting from your heart like a firework going off? Yeah. It’s that feeling when you know you really messed up.

Believe me, this wasn’t an easy post to write; in fact, I wasn’t going to write it. But it dawned on me that when my human self learns something hard and valuable, I should probably tell someone…maybe it will help them in some way.

So here it goes. I unintentionally hurt a dear friend of mine. My doing screwed up a valuable friendship. I messed up. Part of me wanted to crawl into a cave, but the other half wanted to go to a place that knew me. So I went to my garden. As I looked over the rows of flowers and herbs I wrestled with scenarios. I tried to foresee the future. I played back my actions. Why did this happen? How did this happen? This came out of nowhere! My identity jolted.

In my garden that day, my gut was a trembling mess. My heart was anxious. I paced the paths and hid my face from my neighbors. As I dug for a tissue I knelt down and stared at the dirt. “Dear God, forgive me. Help me see the root of this action.” I blew my nose, took a deep breath, and got my hands busy. As I plucked little weeds and churned up the soil, layers of thoughts peeled off and exposed the truth. Wow, I didn’t see that coming. How juvenile. We all have our adolescent times, this was one of mine.

set yourself free

What blooms from dirt is beautiful

His presence in the garden that day was strong; there is no doubt Jesus met me where I was. I felt His comfort yet discipline. “What must I do to mend this mishap?” I asked Him. As I walked to the other side of the garden, facing a dripping mess, Jesus’ words “The truth will set you free” squeezed my heart. But I don’t want to tell the truth, I’m embarrassed, I said. 

“If it is freedom you seek, the truth will set you free”. After I wrestled with it for about 20 minutes, I dusted myself off and wound up the courage to do just that…tell the truth. What do I have to lose that I already have lost? As soon as I expressed the truth of the matter to my dear friend; my stomach stopped tossing, my mind stopped spinning, and I felt the imprisoned shackles unlock. I exhaled and knew I made the right choice. Thank you.

gardening quote

The benefits of a garden

Gardening is a task where we get our hands busy. Our garden is a place where we can be alone. It is a moment in time when our soul is unguarded, where we can let it free and know it’s safe. A place where we cradled the unique ability our Creator gave us. So what’s your ‘garden’? What place knows you? A woodshop, craft table, mixing bowl, knitting basket, sketch pad, kitchen, garage, where is it?

The benefits of a ‘garden’ no matter what place that is, will take you to peace and resolution. It’s there where we can be raw, where we can lament, and feel safe. It’s the garden that serves as a therapy session, to think through our struggles, to problem solve, and let go of what’s holding us back.

When we’re feeling troubled where do you want to go?

me in my garden

Our ‘garden’ opens her arms. She knows that when we get on our knees, we need her touch. She knows we need to get busy, so little projects present themselves. It’s quiet. We’re focused. As we work, the surface looks brighter. It feels good. But as we move through the ‘garden’ and dig a little deeper we find a few deep-rooted invasives. These weeds have been there a while. Seeds from their fruit are ready to plant themselves. Is that what we want?

The thistles on the stalk pierce our touch. We may step back for a bit, but find that if we gently grab the very thing that hurt us, we’ll then have the power to wrench and wrestle it free.

Our garden understands the pain that comes with breaking free. So she prays. And because our soul is defenseless to her love, we feel the hope she prayed for. It’s within our gardening where tears nourish her beauty. Where truth is told. And where strength might persist. It’s a place to rejoice when we pull the weeds out and plant new life in its space.

Benefits of a garden conclusion

Gardening does more than entertain and strengthen our talents. Our gardens listen, they heal, they comfort. I’ve got some questions for you: What is keeping you captive? When are you going to do something about it? Who do you need to talk to?

I encourage you to visit your special place this week. When you’re there, whisper loud enough for you to hear, and talk about what imprisons your heart. All you’re doing that day is getting the frustrations out. Then revisit your place later in the week. Get your hands busy. And ask God for help. You may not hear anything right away, but as you live your life over the next couple of weeks be aware of your surroundings, and open your senses. He’ll talk to you and give you the answer.

Before you go, check out these posts:

Claim Your Life Back: 7 Steps to Fight Spiritual Warfare

How to Have a Happy Family: 3 Revolutionary Steps

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Tips

Nature Quotes: The Power of the Outdoors

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!

Do More Than Exist Stay Connected

By CT Copyright © 2018 More Than Existence, All Rights Reserved.

To Live Without Regrets: 5 Time Management Tips

To Live Without Regrets: 5 Time Management Tips

Is time management a thing of the past? Never! What are you doing in between the numbers? In other words, how are you spending your time when you’re not working? If you were to look back on your life do you see any regrets?

The saying “Time is money” seeps into my heart every time I hear a life ended prematurely, or when I hear of a sobering diagnosis of a family member, or a grave attack on the innocent. Let me ask you this: Do you truly and honestly value your time? How dare I ask that question! No matter our race, age, religion, pocketbook, or sex we all have time.

to live without regrets

Time management tips and sex?

Sex has a lot to do with time. Not physical sex. Got ya there, but sex is in sexagesimal.

Wikipedia assured me that sexagesimal has nothing to do with actual sex, but it has a lot to do with time. In the 3rd millennium BC sexagesimal was defined as a numerical system for time having a base of 60.

Sexagesimal helped us put numbers on the clock. What we do in between those numbers defines how we live. The choices we make affect how we use our time.

Regrets, what are they?

Regrets happen when you feel sad or sorry for something you did or didn’t do…with your time. If you ‘Google’ “regrets in life” you’ll find a slew of articles. One of those articles was about a nurse, who cared for people on their deathbeds. She had a lot of conversations with her patients about regrets. What’s interesting is that she heard a lot of the same thing.

The most common regrets include:

  1. To of had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
  3. To of had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. To let myself be happier.

Did any of those regrets strike a chord with you? Scary to think that one of those could be our regret someday. But we don’t have to think that way. We can take charge of our time between the numbers and use them to better ourselves and the people around us so that when we can live a grateful life of freedom.

jim rohn quotes

5 time management tips to live a life without regrets

1. Pray

Praying has got to be the most effective way to live a life without regret. Our Creator made us, He knows us best. Let’s align our prayers with His will for us! When we do He will open doors, He will help us prosper. Makes me think of His truth in Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and future.” Ask Him to help you use your time and talents the way He designed us to.

2. Define

Write out your priorities. Where do you want to spend your minutes, what type of work makes you feel productive, what relationships do you want to work on, and what can you do to work towards your passions? Writing things out on paper helps you see where you want to go. This exercise is great for getting to know yourself better.

3. Use a vision board

Vision boards are a great tool to help you stay focused on your goals so you don’t have any regrets. This is a fun project for yourself and even your family. A vision board allows you to dream big. Did you hear that? You have permission to put anything on your vision that you want! Simply put, a vision board is being able to see your goals and dreams. They are reachable, especially if you look at your board every day and take at least one step toward making that board come alive. You can find directions on how to make a vision board in my freebies.

4. Put the phone down

Seriously. The phone is distracting and it will prevent you from making things happen. This is especially true for our teens. It’s not just social media I’m talking about, which can be very debilitating, but it’s the meaningless crap people get wrapped into. Before they knew it, 45 minutes passed. Give yourself time with your family. Set boundaries with your phone and do something that works towards your goals. The world has managed 2000 years without a cell phone. Incorporate a turn-off electronics day.

5. Schedule “solo time”

Learn to love discovering yourself, organize your thoughts, and listen to your heart. ‘Solo time’ or ‘Me time’ is actually one of my favorite times! This time rejuvenates me. It helps us clear our minds from the madness of the world and to refocus on what really matters. This time is a great time to love yourself. Talking positively to yourself with affirmations is effective and talking to yourself for that matter helps us solve problems and plan our day. There are some affirmations in my Freebies for you. A ‘solo day’ isn’t just to pamper yourself, but to challenge yourself and build self-confidence and courage. Try something new. Do a challenging workout. Create something amazing that you love. And don’t forget to journal.

Wrapping up time management tips

We all may experience a ‘regretful season’ in life. I know I have. How to fix more regrets in the future boils down to knowing yourself. Knowing yourself better helps you make smarter decisions so you won’t have any regrets. Build that self-confidence up so you have the courage to conquer your goals and dreams. Stop regret in its tracks. Notice what is happening. Be aware of your surroundings and keep moving forward.

Before you go, check out these amazing posts

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Tips

9 Easy Ways to Learn More about Yourself

How to Have a Happy Family: 3 Revolutionary Steps

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By CT Copyright © 2022 More Than Existence All Rights Reserved.

Christmas: What Serving Others Does for You

Christmas: What Serving Others Does for You

Are you looking to have an awesome Christmas this year? A Christmas that will have meaning? I know I am. This past month I researched Christmas, that’s kind of funny to say, we all know Jesus was born and it’s about His birthday. But I sought out more understanding of Christmas and how I can make it more meaningful. Who knew it had to do with our own personal identity? Buckle up for an ‘Ah ha’ moment and 3 amazing tips!

Serving Others Benefits

What’s up with ‘Merry Christmas’?

In 1843 it was Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” that introduced the word ‘Merry’ for “Merry Christmas”. The dictionary defines Merry as cheerful and lively. Occasionally you’ll hear “Happy Christmas”, but “Merry” fits the bill. The word “Christmas” originated from “Christ’s Mass” which literally means a group of many people gathering to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th. In fact, this celebration started in 313 AD, three centuries after Jesus’s crucifixion. Interesting isn’t it?

The history of gifts

For most people, Christmas’s meaning equals presents. Gifts are fun! Even for those who are hard to buy, yes, it’s a fun challenge. How did gift-giving come into play on Christmas? Well, it’s not a black-and-white answer:

1– It started in Europe as a pagan custom around the Winter Solstice, a celebration to mark the shortest day of the year. It falls in the range of December 20th-23rd each year. At this time ancient Rome would celebrate this day by gift-giving.

2– Around 336 AD December 25th was established as Jesus’s birthday in which the solstice gift-giving tradition leaked into the Christian holiday. Some believe that gift-giving started with the three Magi (wise men) giving gifts to baby Jesus.

3– On top of that, Santa Claus was introduced by a fourth-century Greek bishop who was a gift giver, Saint Nicholas. His legacy gradually blended into the Christmas celebration.

So “Merry Christmas” is a combination of things, but one thing is for sure, “Christ’s Mass” has stood the test of time. Jesus came to save us from our sins so we would have the opportunity to have life after death. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost”, says Jesus. And in Mark 10:45 Jesus also says, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

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How serving others comes into play

A few years ago I read Matthew Barnett’s book The Cause Within You. He talks about his experience of listening and obeying God’s cause that He placed in his heart. Based in LA, he tells great stories about how people off the street, the homeless, drug dealers, and prostitutes have completely turned their lives around by focusing on Jesus and the cause God placed in their hearts. How serving others, rather than serving themselves and their addictions has changed their life.

He says, “As soon as you start thinking about the needs and burdens of others, and what you can do to alleviate them, or how you can bless and build up others, you begin to establish a new identity for yourself – your true identity. “ (page 38) This brings on meaning! Meaning for living.

Think about that for a minute. Christmas is the most popular time of year to give; not just presents. Just look at the Christmas movies: It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf, or even Die Hard. Yes, I just referenced Elf and Die Hard in the same sentence. But hear me out, they all have something in common.

Lunchbox Note Jokes

Time is of the essence

Let me ask you this, what do you think would be a powerful way to celebrate the birth of Jesus this year? Sure we can give tangible gifts or donate money to a cause, those are fantastic ideas! But what about your time? Your precious time?

What about sacrificing a slice of your time and putting your talents to work to take the burden off someone else? Helping a neighbor with a project? Lifting someone up with a little encouragement? You might say, “But I do that already Christy” But do you do it with Jesus in mind? Do you consciously say, “Hey Jesus, let’s bless someone today! Use me. Work through me. Let’s do this!”?

I love this statement from Rick Warren, “What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived.” In the Bible, 1 Peter 4 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” But here’s a bonus in all this. If you think serving is just for the person being served, you’re missing it.

What does serving do for you?

Serving others produces being Merry. It gives you meaning and purpose…do I dare say dream life? Serving mysteriously produces a deep joy in your heart.

1 – To serve others gives significance. Putting our talents to work to help someone else is meaningful for us. It warms the cockles of God’s heart. And generates joy in your own.

2 – It produces gratitude both for the servant and the person being served.

3 – Serving brings us back to earth. Serving helps take the focus off what’s going on inside us, to what’s going on around us. This helps us put our own lives in perspective, need I say, to learn more about ourselves.

victorious people were never meant to settle

3 Tips on Serving Others:

1. The Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
2. Vision yourself helping.
3. Pray for opportunities in which you can help someone out.

Wrapping up Christmas and serving others

I have an experiment for you to try this month to gain more meaning in this holiday. I bet you know what it is. Serve with the mindset of giving a gift to Jesus; use your time, talents, and strength to give back to Him. Not sure where to serve? Don’t make this complicated. Open your eyes and pay attention to your surroundings. He’ll tell you.

One more thing, I encourage you to experience a “Christ’s Mass” and attend a Christmas Eve service at church this year.

Before you go check out these other great posts:

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Tips

3 Essential Tactics for Holiday Eating

9 Gift Ideas to Warm the Body & Soul

Gluten-free Molasses Cookies with Peanut Butter

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By CT Copyright © 2018 More Than Existence, All Rights Reserved.

4 Amazing Tips for Weight Loss

4 Amazing Tips for Weight Loss

The only way to change is to change. If you want to feel better and lose weight then grab these tips for weight loss. Here’s the thing, weight loss doesn’t have to be hard or depriving. Set yourself free and become who God made you to be. I have a simple philosophy that will bring you inspiration; plus it’s backed up by science. Simply put: TAKE. IT. SLOW. Remember the saying, ‘nothing changes if nothing changes’. Read about my four game-changing tips that change you without feeling like a change.

tips for weight loss

4 Tips for Weight Loss

Changing the diet isn’t something I could do cold turkey. In fact, I’m allergic to turkey! Hence the going slow part. The most successful thing with ‘change’ without feeling like it’s a change is to take it slow. With a gradual approach, you’re more likely to stick with it for longer… if not forever! Chris Kresser uses the words, “shrink the change“.

#1: Weight loss Tip #1: Go Gradual

The trick to losing weight is to eat a healthier diet so the body can clean out the bad stuff, call me Sherlock-Homes. I repeat, taking a gradual approach gives your body time to adjust and not be shocked. If you lose weight too fast, it could backfire and you’ll be headfirst in the bag of cheese puffs…not to mention gain even more weight! The cool thing about gradually reducing the bad stuff, like sugar, is that your body will start to crave healthier foods. You’ll feel better and the sugary snacks will start to taste bad. Interesting, eh? The bottom line is that our bodies will feel better with cleaner foods and they’ll want more of that awesome clean energy. Stick to simple ingredients and ingredients you understand.

Tip #2: Awareness is key!

Awareness. Sugar was my number one weakness. It still is, but I’m now aware of my consumption and I know my limits. When I adjusted my intake of the sweet stuff I finally understood the ‘less is more’ philosophy. My taste buds became more content and my body was a happy human. Did you hear that? I didn’t give up sugar completely, I just cut back immensely. Toxic foods can do a number on our bodily systems; in other words, inflammation. I wrote a short ebook on digestion and what things might trigger our inflammation. Once we remove the trigger, the inflammation heals. Check it out here: Triggers and What to do for IBD.

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What’s for lunch?

Back in the day of wanting to lose weight, I would only eat a salad for lunch. It contained greens, Romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and maybe fresh broccoli. I didn’t have any protein or cheese. Just veggies. I chose whatever salad dressing sounded good, however, I would dip my fork in the dressing before I stabbed a helping of lettuce. Not too shabby of a lunch; but for me, it didn’t hold me over, which led to a Snickers Bar in the afternoon, and then a hefty snack after work. Can we say blood sugar on the fritz?

The small change I made was to add protein to my salad in the form of lean protein, I’m not talking cheese or other dairy products; but things like nuts, eggs, or grilled chicken. At lunch, I still aim to have more greens than protein, yet with a little protein.

4 tips to change up weight loss

Tip for losing weight #3: Know your body

Know your body. If you need protein, get protein with every meal. Whether it’s nuts, clean meat, or low-fat dairy (if you can tolerate it) make sure you get enough protein into your diet. If you don’t, you’ll be hungry all the time and your blood sugar will yo-yo. Let me reiterate, protein helps you feel satisfied longer, it gives you energy, and need I say meat is an excellent source of B12, B6, zinc, and iron to name a few?

A little bit more about protein

Protein builds muscle mass, and it’s especially good after a workout. Add a little vitamin C to the mix and you’ve got a digestive helper and a helping hand at iron absorption. Listen up! The meat won’t make you fat unless it’s highly marbled or fatty; you also want to keep in check your portions. Choose lean beef, grilled chicken, grilled or baked fish, nuts, legumes, eggs, or pork loin. Don’t be scared to add it to your diet or your salad. Remember portion control is king.

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Tip 4#: be prepared

Okay, okay, okay…you’re at work and can’t make lunch. That’s okay! You have a couple of options for a healthy clean lunch; the most obvious is to make it the night before. The other is to choose simple, limited-ingredient dishes when eating out. For instance, a 100% beef burger without the bun paired with a side of steamed veggies or a cup of clear broth soup, is a great lunch. It’s not heavy in carbs (bread or pasta) and it’s high in protein. You can also opt for an “unwich”, a sandwich without the bread. I eat this all the time but use lettuce instead of bread. Some people use a gluten-free wrap. Turn the sandwich inside out…lettuce in the center and lean ham for the wrap. If you want this weight loss thing to work, you need to be prepared and stay on point. Pack ahead or have a plan when eating out.

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All in all: Keep it simple

Think ‘simple’ when at a restaurant and think portion control! As for drinks, you know what I’m going to say…water without ice. Hey, it may be a little boring, but your body will be quieter and happier. You may not even need to drink water with your meal. Too much aqua with food will cause a lot of vitamins to flush through your system, plus it will take longer to digest the yum yums.

Your body is a temple, keeping it clean and feeling great is an amazing way to show God you love Him and thank Him. I hope you found these tips for losing weight helpful. Remember to take a gradual approach, be aware of what you’re eating, know your body, and be prepared. You got this if you want it. Keep moving forward!

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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Before you go, check out these other great posts:

First Step to Losing Weight: 5 Effective Questions

3 Ways to Help My Child Lose Weight…with a Smile

Chronically sick? Choose the right water filter

How to Help Your Digestive System: 10 Triggers to Watch For

3 Essential Tactics for Holiday Eating

13 Natural Stress Relief Products for Anyone!

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By CT Copyright © 2023 Do More Than Exist, LLC All Rights Reserved.

How to Heal Your Body: 8 Must-Haves

How to Heal Your Body: 8 Must-Haves

How to heal your body is time well spent. There are a lot of things in life that are priceless in navigating our length of time on this planet. One of them is taking care of your only vessel…your body. We all go through a lot of ailments, my goal is just that…to go THROUGH and not to settle and stay. Learn 8 things you can do to get your body on the road to healing. Let’s get you back on your feet to do more than exist!


Getting started in how to heal your body

There are times when taking care of our body can be pretty complicated. Not only do we seek professional help and get tests to make sense of it all, but what’s frustrating is that sometimes I want more information and understanding than I get at the doctor’s office.

Keep moving forward

Your incredible body is mysteriously amazing! No two bodies are the same, even though they are treated the same in a doctor’s office… God made our bodies to work a certain way, your body knows this and will try its hardest to stay aligned. The problem is, is that sometimes, your body needs a little extra help…consistent help…before it remembers what to do. And that’s where we come into play in knowing how to heal your body.

To know how to heal your body, we need to do a few things; whether it’s a general sickness, muscle imbalance, disease, inflammation, or whatever…we need to take a stand against this distraction and do our part so God can do His. Keep moving forward every day so He can do His healing.

How to heal your body with these 8 extremely powerful actions:

1. Hydration.

Hydration is ridiculously important in the healing process. Drinking fluids flush our system out, keeps things slippery and moving, and powers our cells to function correctly. Technically, we should drink half our weight in ounces. To make the math easy let’s say you weigh 100 pounds, you should then drink 50 ounces of water a day.

100 lbs. / 2 = 50 oz. per day

160 lbs. / 2 = 80 oz. per day

2. Diet low in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats.

All these things are inflammatory to our system. With inflammation comes illness and disease. I know these ingredients taste good, but please be conscious and aware of how much you are consuming these treats.

3. Movement.

Movement is magic. Keep moving. Go for a walk, bike ride, do yard work, and just get your bones and muscles working every day. Think about a river versus a pond and compare the water quality over time. The river keeps moving and flowing, and a pond is stagnate and rots. This rings true for our bodies as well.

4. Sleep.

Sleep is so good to help your body restore and refresh. It’s in the slumber where we get better. It’s recommended to get 8 hours of sleep a night, well some of us need a little more and others a little less. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t reach that 8 hours. Give yourself permission to rest as much as you need.

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5. A spiritual connection to Jesus.

There are times when our illness or condition may seem all physical, we often forget the spiritual component in healing. This is a huge part, if not the most important part of our healing process. The One who created you can heal you if you want to be healed. There are numerous stories in the Bible about healing and faith. Healing was and is a big part of Jesus’s ministry. Faith alone can heal. And to have faith is to get to know Jesus. To know and meet Jesus is to read about Him in the Gospels and to ask Him to come into your life. When you have that one-on-one experience with Him, things will change for the better.

What is so awesome about His healing is that it is mysterious and true. Mysterious as in you don’t know when He will, and true because He is the way, the truth, and life (John 14:6). His promises are truth, and his promises are promises. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.” This is filled with incredible promises. Jesus is the source of healing; He will heal in more ways than one. Please open your eyes to His amazing love. Here are some Bible verses for healing to reflect on and memorize. I have found these extremely helpful!

6. Mental goodness.

Filling your mind with positive vibes affects your thoughts, which affects your choices, and your heart. This is SUPER important in knowing how to heal your body, especially now. Our world is broken. And the only way to make it better is if we make a change by putting good, healthy things into our minds. Add affirmations to your morning routine, listen to good music to and from work, read positive books, eliminate the daily news, remove horror movies even though you know they’re fake, and be aware of who you’re hanging around and what those conversations are filled with.

It’s incredibly good to get outside and go for a walk, especially if you have access to a park or trail with trees. There are numerous studies about the power of nature and how it helps ground us, relieve stress, and simply be a vitamin for our souls. To motivate younger generations to get outdoors some people call it, Forest Bathing (a Japanese term). It is a pretty cool term, kind of like “earthing” a.k.a. walking barefoot on the ground.

7. Perseverance.

This will see you through in knowing how to heal your body. Think of perseverance as a daily vitamin. Perseverance is doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Whether you’re in physical therapy, fighting an illness, or dealing with an addiction, every day you must do your part to keep moving forward. Keep doing the exercises, continue to eat healthy and drink fluids, and fight and resist the temptation to get off track…this is perseverance. How bad do you want to get better? If you want it, it will happen.

The Bible talks about perseverance. I especially like Galatians 6:9 where it says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” The other truth I surrender to is Romans 5:3b-4 “…we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” There is nothing more powerful than hope. Hope keeps you moving forward.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. - Jesus Mark 11:24

8. Grit.

You gotta want it. Healing isn’t for people who think they are entitled or that someone else is going to do it for them. For you to heal, you must do your part so He can do His. Grit takes courage, grit takes strength. It’s asking for a second opinion, researching on your own, trying different approaches, being persistent, having perseverance, trusting in Jesus, and doing what it takes to make things happen! Grit is “STRONG” and refusing the Enemy to take a foothold in you or in your mind. Stand firm. In 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, the Bible says this, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”

Wrapping up how to heal your body

For you to know how to heal your body, you need to do your part, so He can do His. If you want to frolic like well-fed calves, get your ass off the couch and make it happen! God put you on this planet for good works that He has prepared in advance for you to do! Use what He gave you, take care of it as much as you possibly can, show Him you want it, and ask Him to help you get moving. Healing happens. Healing gives you clarity, hope, perseverance, confidence in Christ, freedom, compassion, wisdom, and love.

Keep moving forward friends even if the doctors say differently. Do your own homework, get second opinions, look at the holistic route, use trial and error, and keep moving forward. Simply said, do more than exist.

Before you go: check out these other great posts:

Claim Your Life Back: 7 Steps to Fight Spiritual Warfare

How to Reduce Stress in Your Life: 10 Breakthrough Tips

How to help your Digestive System: 10 Triggers to Watch For

Food Combining Does What? Manage stomach acid now!

How Cookie Dough Gave Me Super Powers

How to Get Motivated: 4 Critical Trips to Start Anything

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By CT Copyright © 2023 Do More Than Exist. All Rights Reserved.

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!

Hobby Ideas +13 Reasons Why You Need a Hobby NOW!

Have you ever gotten overwhelmed, in a funk, or frustrated about the pace of life? Having a hobby can help quiet the roar of chaos and make you feel human again. I’ve got some great hobby ideas for you. But wait! I know what you might say, “I don’t have time for a hobby”. I used to think that way too, but after a little experimenting, I found my hobby to be a superhero to my mental health. Let’s get a better understanding of why a hobby helps us then get hobby ideas to try out.

Hobby ideas

What exactly is a hobby?

A hobby is an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. The keyword in that definition is “not working”. The hard part is knowing when to stop working. What I love about a hobby is that time isn’t ticking in your ear. You’re not looking at the clock to see when your shift is over. A hobby is your gift to yourself, so you can be yourself! When we’re under heavy stress our bodies produce more cortisol which can be harmful to our health. But when we’re engaged in, let’s say, a hobby, we’re producing the ‘feel-good’ hormones.

I like to look at a hobby as a type of recreation that rejuvenates your spirit. It’s an activity that challenges you in a way in which you want to be challenged. You see, your hobby is YOUR hobby. No one can tell you how to do it unless you welcome the suggestions.

IF I can create the minimum of my plans and desires, there shall be no regrets. Bessie Coleman

Top 13 reasons to get a hobby:

1. Helps enhance meaning in your life.

2. Gets the creative juices flowing.

3. Increases personal satisfaction.

4. Builds self-confidence and self-esteem.

5. Relieves stress.

6. Gives you something to talk about other than work.

7. Helps you meet new people.

8. Contribute to society or the community.

9. Boosts brain power and cognitive function.

10. It has the potential to create extra income.

11. Gateway to happiness.

12. Helps prevent boredom when boredom can be harmful to you. Let me expand: overeating, depression, drug use, looking at things you know you shouldn’t, or alcohol use usually come into play when we’re bored. Boredom and its adverse effects are going to get the best of us at times, but when we have a hobby we have an easy way out and can focus on that.

13. The icing on the cake about a hobby is that it actually helps you do a better job at work. CNBC posted an article about how a hobby can improve your work performance. For one, it helps prevent burnout. As said earlier, it helps inspire creativity and enhance your problem-solving skills. A hobby helps reduce stress. 

More on hormones.

silhouette standing in start

Hormones are a love/hate relationship. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. As said earlier, the most damaging hormone is cortisol which is produced in our bodies when we’re under stress. The good news is that happy hormones do exist, but to get them we must do a few things. There are four major blissful boostersendorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Each hormone serves a different purpose, in a nutshell, this is what they do:

  • Endorphins are essentially the body’s painkillers. Vigorous exercise or even eating spicy food releases endorphins.
  • Serotonin is the mood mediator. Get outside. Being in the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D, which helps produce serotonin. Even low-intensity exercise helps.
  • Dopamine is a gratifying hormone, in terms of goal achievement. It’s all about goals and achieving them to bring on the dopamine. We set an achievable goal and go after it, when we reach it, dopamine is experienced.
  • Oxytocin. This is the love hormone. I think my husband has an abundance of this one! LOL. Physical contact, hugs, massage, and sex release this hormone.

When it comes to your hobby, aim to achieve one of these hormones. Now if you want to experience all the bliss boosters at once, you might want to look into “R5HHPJ” as your hobby: Run 5 miles while holding hands with your honey, drinking hot pepper juice from your water bottle…now that’s a hobby!

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What are some great hobby ideas?

This is a loaded question because you can make a hobby of your own; the trick to finding one you love is to try some on. Here are some hobby ideas for you to check out:

Knitting, exercising, reading, sales shopping and discount hunting, start a blog, music, woodworking, organizing, auto work, boating, horseback riding, hobby farming, candle making, photography, dance, winemaking, beer brewing, cooking, traveling, wilderness survival, Bible memory, drawing, painting, decorating, gardening, hunting, fishing, camping, running, write a book, kayaking, cycling, walking, surfing, sewing, essentially any sport, collections, puzzles, and pretty much anything other than work.

Remember a hobby is something that gives YOU personal enjoyment yet still a little challenge to enhance your well-being. Think of it as keeping your hands and mind busy getting lost in creativity. This could very well be the peacekeeper you’ve been looking for to help balance life.

In conclusion

There are some great hobby ideas out there to suit you, you just need to experiment with which one or ones find your fancy. Hobbies do change too. Pay attention to when you might be phasing out of one hobby, so you can start searching for new hobby ideas. Just remember, hobbies are not a waste of time, they are our therapy to keep us happy.

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How to Make Camping Comfortable: 7 Critical Tips!

How to Make Camping Comfortable: 7 Critical Tips!

Camp more comfortable by asking yourself, “What’s the purpose of the camping trip?” This should be the first thing you do before you start packing. Are you going to lay in the sun at the beach, hike in the woods, rock climb, swim, fish, or relax by the fire? Knowing the answer to this will help you pack efficiently and wisely. In this post, we’re going to talk about shelter, sleeping, cooking, water, activities, hygiene, and coffee. Let’s reduce stress and get camping comfy style!

how to make camping comfortable

Why is getting out in nature so important?

First and foremost, God created this magnificent earth with all its beauty and mysterious nurturing. One way to love God back is to enjoy and be in His creation. We are creatures who not only depend on nature for our survival, but it nourishes our souls and reduces stress. Nature heals. According to “Nature’s Nurture” by Wendy Helfenbaum, an article in the Costco Connection it says that nature decreases anxiety and negative thinking. It goes on to say that outdoor activity improves our mental and physical well-being and reduces high blood pressure. Nature even helps us learn better! There are so many positive benefits nature holds for us. This doesn’t mean you have spent hours outside to gain from it, but studies show that even 10 minutes can lighten your load. And all we need to do is open the door.

There is something about nature and embarking on a family adventure. Nature relaxes us and opens our minds and hearts to experience God’s beauty. Family camping is a popular activity, or simply doing a family outdoor activity together is fun like cornhole, volleyball, or a scavenger hunt!

#1 How to make camping more comfortable in the weather

The main issue with camping is the weather. Before you pack your first item, look at the forecast. The key here is to have a plan for the opposite…at least something to get you by, like an umbrella or stocking cap. We’re not going to let the weather get in our way of the “serenity now” experience.

My essentials no matter what kind of trip we go on include a rain jacket, wool hat, dry-wick pants and shorts, wool socks, 3 pairs of underwear, 1 vest, 1 fleece or down jacket, 2 t-shirts, 2 long sleeve shirts, and I never leave home without my swimsuit. Of course, this packing list depends on how long you’ll be gone. With that said, it’s a good idea to pack a little pouch of laundry detergent.

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#2 Getting Z’s in nature

Sleeping matters. Take sleep seriously. When we’re tired, most of us tend to be a bit on the cranky side. Sleep can ruin our trip. Without it, our bodies fall apart, our minds get messed up, and we’re not fun to be around. Make sleep your priority. By making your sleeping area comfy, you’ll sleep like a rock. Take note of the area you’re sleeping on; whether it is the ground, hammock, bed, or picnic table…I’ve seen it…make it as comfortable as possible. If your campsite has access to electrical service and you want to block out the neighbors’ chatter, use a white noise machine.  

During the night our temperature changes; to stay warm people generally pile on the blankets, but what you really want to do is to beef up what you’re sleeping on. The ground will sap your heat and energy, so think sleeping mat/s. If you’re in a hammock, think about laying on top of a couple of sleeping bags before you crawl into yours.

As for sleeping bags, they are great for sleepovers and hammocks, but when you’re camping at a modern campground in the dead of summer, you’re probably best served with sleeping on top of your sleeping bag and then using a sheet and thin blanket over the top of your body. And don’t forget your precious pillow!

#3 How to make camping comfortable with meals

Cooking. Food is probably the next priority…assuming you’re bringing your own water. Typically when people think of camping they think of hot dogs. However, nowadays, people are making gourmet meals! My rule is whatever floats your boat. I like things to be easy and already prepped. With that said, I spend an afternoon preparing our meals and planning our vacation menu. I get specific with what we’re having for each meal because when I’m camping I don’t want to be cooking or worrying about what we’re going to eat.

As for cooking equipment, this depends upon your camping shelter. Are you using an RV, 5th-wheel, camper, pop-up camper, tent, or just a hammock?

#3.2 Cooking in a Tent

If you’re in a tent or hammock, you have more freedom to camp in places that don’t provide an electric and water service. This brings tremendous opportunity to camp in amazing, hard-to-reach, campsites with breathtaking views. Tent camping also forces you to simplify and keep things simple the whole vacation. With that said, cook more comfortably in a tent by getting a titanium pot and a camp stove. The pot will serve you in many ways. You can almost cook anything in the pot. Plus it boils water when you don’t have a water filter. And, golly, if you’re in bear country or if you get lost, you can use the pan to bang on it and make some noise!

#3.4 Cooking in a Camper

As with all the other types of camping shelters, I mentioned before you will most likely camp somewhere with an electrical hook-up and have access to water unless you’re ‘boon-docking. Boon-docking is where you aren’t hooked up to anything except maybe a solar panel.

Air Fryer on Amazon

If power is on your side, I’d suggest bringing a Crock-Pot or an air fryer.  Our 5th-wheel has an over, but we use the air fryer instead. It’s cleaner, easier, and does things the oven can’t do. The air fryer’s capabilities give you more cooking options. The Crock-Pot comes in handy when you’ve had a full day and don’t want to cook when you get back to camp.  Gosh! Don’t forget the grill! We have one of the skillet grills that you can essentially cook anything on it, including pancakes. And, yes, still have a titanium pot on hand.

sloppy joes
Simple & Show-stopping Sloppy Joes

#3.6 Our 5 Quick Camping Meals We like

Chicken salad. I pre-make this at home and serve it with grapes and chips.

Mac & cheese with brats, hot dogs, or salmon patties. A side of spinach or broccoli is usually served with this. It’s also tasty to put potato chip crumbs on your mac & cheese!

Sloppy Joes This is my favorite recipe. No mess, no fuss with the kids. I serve green beans, potato straws, or a store-bought salad on the side.

Pulled pork nachos. This is so yummy. I simply buy pre-cooked pulled pork (not the saucy kind), I then put a layer of corn chips, cheese (fake cheese in my case), the pork, and taco sauce. Pop them in the microwave then put fresh avocado and diced tomatoes on top. SO GOOD! Here’s a link to the recipe.

Burgers and sweet potato fries. We make the fries in our air-fryer. We’ve made the burgers in our fryer too! I add a side of spinach, green beans, broccoli, or grapes.

As for dessert, I either bring pudding and whipped cream, homemade granola bars, stuff to make rice crispy treats, or premade cookie dough to bake a fresh batch. Of course, you have s’mores to fall back on. Heck, you could make cookie s’mores! Whaoza!

#3.8 Grab something for your lap and booty

A lap pad or cushion is a must when it comes to eating in a camp chair. Simply place it on your lap and eat. You can make your own lap/booty cushion by getting a foam cushion at your local hobby shop and sewing a small pillowcase for it. Wa laa! Simple, but VERY helpful! I handmake these myself. If you want one of mine, contact me through my Etsy Shop.

LapLander camping
cushion picnic table

#4 Drinking water while camping

Berkey Gravity Fed Filter Click for details

There is no joke about drinking water. Clean water is a must no matter if you’re in the backcountry or a fancy campground. Please bring a filter. If you’d had Guardia or some other illness from water, I know you wouldn’t leave home without one. Plus, dehydration is no joke.

For tent camping, we like the:  Sawyer filters

For our camper/5th wheel, we enjoy the gravity-fed Berkey Water Filter you put on your counter or picnic table.

Of course, you can bring jugs of water, been there, done that, and frankly, that’s not fun. Jugs are heavy, and what if you run out of water? Now what?

Please do not drink from any body of water without first either boiling it to a roaring boil or putting it through a filter…note the titanium pot. Dehydration comes quickly if you get sick from bad water. The pot will seriously save your life.

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#5 Camping activities for kids

How to make camping comfortable with kids? It’s a great idea to have some activities on hand for foul weather. When the weather is super nice, activities come naturally. The park system has great ideas of where to go and what to explore, so use those services. But if it’s rainy or cold you can still have fun!

First off, it is okay and healthy for your kids to play outside even if the weather isn’t ideal. I remember playing in the rain all the time! Just be sure when they’re done to warm them up and get dry quickly, there is no time for hyperthermia.  

Bust out the board games. Here is a list of some of our favorite and top board games. This is something the whole family can enjoy and make memories with. If mom or dad needs a break from the littles, download my Camping Kit or Outdoor Activity Bundle before you leave. This will not only keep your kiddos busy, but if you get the bundle they’ll learn about trees, fireflies, and general nature. These activities actually help your child learn how to play outside!

If you have tweens who have a phone, they might have fun making trick-shot videos. My son did this video and was busy for hours! Here is a link to one of his videos while we were camping: David’s trick shot video.

outdoor activity kit
Download NOW!

#6 Hygiene while camping

Hygiene when camping can be tricky, especially if you’re in a tent. How do you camp more comfortable in this department? It kind of depends on how long you’re going to be gone. If you’ve gone for a weekend in a tent, you can probably wait to shower until you get home. If you’re in a campground that has showers, by all means, use them, but please wear flip-flops in the shower, trust me on this. And most campers have a shower, so do what you will.

pee bucket on Amazon

Going to the bathroom. Yep, we’re going there. With tent camping, you have three choices. The first choice is to walk to the bathroom if you’re in a campground. The number two option is to bring a pee bucket and pee in your tent with the bucket. I know it sounds gross, but if it’s storming outside, I’d rather pee in a bucket than hold it.

The last option is to go outside. For men, going outside is part of their nature, for women, it’s a bit more intimate with the ground and feet placement. I’ve heard of people hugging a tree and going, and others hover, yet my preferred method is to squat. Peeing outside will come naturally; you’ll learn how to aim and avoid your feet. Just don’t wipe with any kind of leaf, bring your own tissue and either put in a Ziploc or bury it when you’re done. My secret bathroom weapon that makes my camp more comfortable is the baby butt wipes, enough said.

#6.5 Ticks & Mosquitos

I’m not sure what the purpose of ticks and mosquitos is, but at least some species eat them. How to keep ticks off you and how to stop mosquitos from biting you can be done with a few simple steps. First, bring your own bat and chicken to the campground, the bats will eat the mosquitos and the chickens will take care of the ticks. Now that would be a scene, wouldn’t it?

If you want to kill two birds with one stone, grab your handy bug spray and spray on your clothes if you use DEET. Deet is a serious chemical, please use caution in using it. Spray it on your shoes and clothes only. Do not use it on the skin.

Tick Tips

Wear light clothing so you can spot the ticks more easily. I can’t stress enough how much I dislike these bugs. It’s okay to have anxiety about this, I do! If you have a pet, protect them and yourselves by giving them their flea & tick medicine. Ticks can attach to your pup or outdoor cat VERY easily. Your pet can then bring them inside and then ticks can attach to YOU!

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Tick season is April to October in most parts of the country. If you’re picnicking in the grass, hiking in the woods, or chasing your dog in the tall grass, please do a tick check every night before bed. Ticks like to hide by the hairline, near and behind ears, armpits, bellybuttons, the back of knees, in-between toes, and in the private areas. Look for little black dots.

If you have a tick on you, keep calm as much as you can. Carefully remove them with a Tick Twister or tweezers. Be sure not to squeeze the body, get as close to the head of the tick as possible and pull straight out. Be sure to wash the area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. Put the tick in rubbing alcohol…this kills it. I recommend keeping the tick in a jar or freezer bag and putting it in the freezer…this is just in case you start to experience symptoms. While you’re at it, take a picture of it. The doctor can send the tick to the lab and test it for Lyme Disease.

Mosquito Tips

Mosquitos are more prevalent than ticks, at least where I live. They like that sweet blood. Stay away from eating bananas. I know it sounds weird, but there is something about bananas and mosquitos. Wear long-sleeve clothing and spray the good old bug spray.

Natural ways to consider are using lemon eucalyptus oil or spray. They also don’t like tea tree oil, lavender, and peppermint. Smoke from a campfire helps as do the Thermacell devices. Honestly, there are so many mosquito tips and tricks out there. Just be smart. Cover your skin, use a spray you are comfortable with, and don’t eat bananas.

#7 Coffee!

There is nothing like a cup of hot coffee in the morning. For camping in a tent without electricity, use instant coffee. Just boil water in your titanium pot, pour into your cup, and mix. It certainly does the trick. Instant coffee has come a long way.

Camp more comfortable with your coffee in the camper. If you want to keep the mess at bay, simply spend the extra bucks and get a Keurig K-Slim. We tried the traditional coffee pot and the one-cup serving kind. Both worked, but we got tired of wet coffee grounds in the garbage and down the sink. Coffee grounds are hard to get out of the tank. We splurged and bought the small Keurig and used K-cups. Yes, it’s a little more expensive, but it’s a nice luxury while camping. If you’re peeing in a bucket, drink the good stuff.

Camping Comfortable Conclusion

Camping is meant to refresh and enjoy the outdoors, so why not camp more comfortably? When you camp more comfortably, you’re likely to camp again. It’s not to cause stress or poison ivy on your butt. It’s a fact that trees help relieve stress and nurture the soul. Remember the great outdoors is good for the soul and mind alike. It’s those awesome sunsets, rainbows, thunderstorm clouds, and majestic scenery that attract us to the wonderful creation God gave us to enjoy.

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