The power of prayer is mysterious. Prayer makes things happen. It is a gift from God for ALL to use at any time. I guarantee you will feel better after you pray. There is something extremely special about being able to give our worries to God for Him to figure out, rather than carrying them ourselves. That’s what the power of prayer does, it sets us free. Let’s learn a little bit more about prayer and God’s truths. Here’s a quick snapshot of the power of prayer.

Prayer Benefits
If you want to start a new healthy habit, start working on your prayer life. This is a process, a very exciting journey! I can’t believe the difference it has made in my life. My anxiety has decreased, my stress level is healthier, and I feel more clear-headed. Answered prayer is around the corner, ask for it, believe it’s going to happen, and receive it with open arms.
Praying to God through His son Jesus with help from the Holy Spirit is truly a gift, John 14:6 – “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Christ died on the cross and was resurrected to set us free, to give us eternal life, and to give us this gift of prayer to God, the Only living God!

What’s so awesome about the power of prayer?
Prayer gives you hope. God is incredibly mysterious, Jesus is the coolest person this planet has EVER experienced, and the Holy Spirit is amazingly powerful; you just never know when or how your prayer will be answered, but it will be answered. The answer could be No, Slow, Grow, or Go.
Prayer immediately, gives you faith, for wherever you were before your prayer, you’re in a better position after your prayer. He will lift you up and answer your prayer in due time (1 Peter 5:6) this promise is incredibly healing.
When I give it all to Him to figure out, I can walk in confidence throughout my day that He has my back, He walks with me, and before me (Deuteronomy 3:18). Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) Open your eyes, awaken your ears, and plant in your heart the Truth. In John 8:32 Jesus says, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Pray and ask Him to show you the way, to fill your mind and heart with truth, and to lead you in life. Prayer is so good, extraordinarily loving, and completely full of truth.

How to pray
Let me reiterate: Prayer is the MOST important part of your life! Remember this, the more you know God personally, the better your prayer life will be. The Bible isn’t just for instruction, it’s also for getting to know your Creator, His son Jesus on a personal level, for Him to speak to you. It is a communication line to and from God, himself.
I read this next statement that totally made sense to me and has stayed with me: Pray before a crisis happens. Meaning, pray in the morning before your day starts, and pray at night before your body, heart, and mind rest. Stand firm in Christ.
If you have a choice of where to pray, find a place that is your secret place to pray, where there are NO distractions. A place where you can be your total and true self. Your prayer place is a place where you can cry, sob, yell, and sing without the world looking at you and judging you.
Invite the Holy Spirit to come and guide your prayer. Playing soft instrumental music in the background helps me welcome the Holy Spirit.
To close your eyes or keep them open? It doesn’t matter. I do both. The Bible doesn’t say you have to close your eyes.
To go deeper in prayer, memorize scripture and recite it back to God in your prayer.
When I pray I like to go in this kind of order:
- Praising God and telling Him how great He is.
- Thanking Him for everything big and small that comes to mind.
- Confessing my sin and asking for forgiveness, getting right with God.
- Asking for the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and help me pray.
- Asking for protection over the Enemy, and using God’s armor to stand firm next to Christ.
- Other prayer requests, praying for people, situations, and myself according to His will.
- Asking all in Jesus’ name. Sealing the prayer in and through Jesus. For instance, I end the prayer something like this… “Thank you Jesus, I ask all this in your name, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Sometimes, on challenging days, my order goes out the window and I simply talk to Him, lament, cry, and get it all out. He is full of truth, love, mercy, and hope. He is the only One. Pour into Him, trust Him. Ask Him. Love Him.
Let’s practice this power of prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for YOU! Thank you for your son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. I’m so grateful for your truth and the power of prayer. Thank you so much for the gift of prayer through your Son Jesus. Please forgive me of my sins, for things I’ve done or said to others that are offensive to you, please forgive me of my selfishness, pride, and greed that come from the pressures of the world. (any other sins you can think of ).
Thank you Jesus for what you did for me. Lord, Father God, please fill my heart today with your Holy Spirit so that my words and actions would reflect your son Jesus. Guide my steps that lead me to do your will today. (Pray for others) I pray for healing over my physical body, and for healing in my heart and mind in Jesus’ name. (pray for other things only God can do) May you fill me with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. You are my God. I love you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for choosing me. I‘m so grateful for the time you’ve given me. In Jesus’ all-powerful and mighty name, I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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